具有相同名称的 Python 模块(即在包中重用标准模块名称)

本文介绍了具有相同名称的 Python 模块(即在包中重用标准模块名称)的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着跟版网的小编来一起学习吧!



Suppose I have a package that contains modules:


并且模块需要引用彼此包含的函数.我的 time.py 模块似乎遇到了问题,因为有一个同名的标准模块.

and the modules need to refer to functions contained in one another. It seems like I run into problems with my time.py module since there is a standard module that goes by the same name.

例如,如果我的 foo.py 模块需要我的 SWS.time 和标准 python time 模块,我遇到麻烦,因为解释器会在包内部查找我的 time.py 模块,然后再遇到标准 time 模块.

For instance, in the case that my foo.py module requires both my SWS.time and the standard python time modules, I run into trouble since the interpreter will look inside the package and find my time.py modules before it comes across the standard time module.


Is there any way around this? Is this a no-no situation and should modules names not be reused?


Any solutions and opinions on package philosophy would be useful here.



Reusing names of standard functions/classes/modules/packages is never a good idea. Try to avoid it as much as possible. However there are clean workarounds to your situation.

您看到的行为,导入您的 SWS.time 而不是 stdlib time,是由于古代 python 中 import 的语义版本(2.x).要修复它,请添加:

The behaviour you see, importing your SWS.time instead of the stdlib time, is due to the semantics of import in ancient python versions (2.x). To fix it add:

from __future__ import absolute_import

在文件的最顶部.这会将 import 的语义更改为 python3.x 的语义,这更加明智.在这种情况下,声明:

at the very top of the file. This will change the semantics of import to that of python3.x, which are much more sensible. In that case the statement:

import time

只会引用顶级模块.因此,在包内执行该导入时,解释器不会考虑您的 SWS.time 模块,但它只会使用标准库之一.

Will only refer to a top-level module. So the interpreter will not consider your SWS.time module when executing that import inside the package, but it will only use the standard library one.


If a module inside your package needs to import SWS.time you have the choice of:

  • 使用显式相对导入:

from . import time

  • 使用绝对导入:

  • Using an absolute import:

    import SWS.time as time

  • 因此,您的 foo.py 将类似于:

    So, your foo.py would be something like:

    from __future__ import absolute_import
    import time
    from . import time as SWS_time

    这篇关于具有相同名称的 Python 模块(即在包中重用标准模块名称)的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持跟版网!

    上一篇:安装 Shapely: OSError: [WinError 126] 找不到指定的模块 下一篇:如何使用 Sphinx 记录 Python 包
