Python 类与模块属性

本文介绍了Python 类与模块属性的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着跟版网的小编来一起学习吧!


我有兴趣听到一些关于 Python 中的类属性的讨论.例如,什么是类属性的好用例?在大多数情况下,我想不出一个类属性比使用模块级属性更可取的情况.如果这是真的,那为什么还有他们呢?

I'm interested in hearing some discussion about class attributes in Python. For example, what is a good use case for class attributes? For the most part, I can not come up with a case where a class attribute is preferable to using a module level attribute. If this is true, then why have them around?


The problem I have with them, is that it is almost too easy to clobber a class attribute value by mistake, and then your "global" value has turned into a local instance attribute.


Feel free to comment on how you would handle the following situations:

  1. 类和/或子类使用的常量值.这可能包括永远不会改变但可能需要一次性初始化的幻数"字典键或列表索引.
  2. 默认类属性,在极少数情况下为类的特殊实例更新.
  3. 用于表示在所有实例之间共享的类的内部状态的全局数据结构.
  4. 初始化许多默认属性的类,不受构造函数参数的影响.



#4:我从不使用类属性来初始化默认实例属性(通常放在 __init__ 中的那些).例如:

#4: I never use class attributes to initialize default instance attributes (the ones you normally put in __init__). For example:

class Obj(object):
    def __init__(self):
        self.users = 0


class Obj(object):
    users = 0


Why? Because it's inconsistent: it doesn't do what you want when you assign anything but an invariant object:

class Obj(object):
    users = []

使用户列表在所有对象之间共享,在这种情况下,这是不希望的.根据它们的类型将它们拆分为 __init__ 中的类属性和赋值会令人困惑,因此我总是将它们全部放在 __init__ 中,反正我觉得这样更清楚.

causes the users list to be shared across all objects, which in this case isn't wanted. It's confusing to split these into class attributes and assignments in __init__ depending on their type, so I always put them all in __init__, which I find clearer anyway.


As for the rest, I generally put class-specific values inside the class. This isn't so much because globals are "evil"--they're not so big a deal as in some languages, because they're still scoped to the module, unless the module itself is too big--but if external code wants to access them, it's handy to have all of the relevant values in one place. For example, in

class Obj(object):
    class Exception(Exception): pass


from module import Obj

    o = Obj()
except o.Exception:
    print "error"

除了允许子类更改值(这并不总是需要)之外,这意味着我不必费力地导入异常名称和使用 Obj 所需的一堆其他东西."from module import Obj, ObjException, ..." 很快就会让人厌烦.

Aside from allowing subclasses to change the value (which isn't always wanted anyway), it means I don't have to laboriously import exception names and a bunch of other stuff needed to use Obj. "from module import Obj, ObjException, ..." gets tiresome quickly.

这篇关于Python 类与模块属性的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持跟版网!

上一篇:如何返回属性的默认值? 下一篇:'dict' 对象没有属性 'read'
