我所拥有的: 在 networkx 中导入的图 G,其节点和边由 gml 文件加载.
What I have: a graph G imported in networkx with nodes and edges loaded by gml file.
Problem: How to add a new attribute to a selected edge E.
我想做什么:我想为我的图表的特定边 E 添加一个新属性类型".注意:该边 E 不存在类型"属性.
What I want to do: I want to add a new attribute 'type' for a particular edge E of my graph. Attention: the attribute 'type' doesn't exist for this edge E.
但是如果我打印 G 的所有边,现在我有 n+1 个边;G 的所有旧边,以及一条新边 p= (id_source, id_target, {'type'= value}).此外,旧边 E(我要修改的边)没有新属性type".
But if I print all the edges of G, now I have n+1 edges; all the old edges of G, and a new edge p= (id_source, id_target, {'type'= value}). Furthermore, the old edge E (the one that I want modify) doesn't have the new attribute 'type'.
So my code have added a new edge (that I don't want).
I want to update the old one adding a new attribute that doesn't exist.
你可能有一个 networkx MultiGraph 而不是一个图,在这种情况下,边的属性设置有点棘手.(您可以通过加载节点之间具有多条边的图来获得多重图).您可能会通过分配属性来破坏数据结构G.edge[id_source][id_target]['type']= value
当您需要时G.edge[id_source][id_target][key]['type']= value
You may have a networkx MultiGraph instead of a graph and in that case the attribute setting for edges is a little tricker. (You can get a multigraph by loading a graph with more than one edge between nodes). You may be corrupting the data structure by assigning the attribute
G.edge[id_source][id_target]['type']= value
when you need
G.edge[id_source][id_target][key]['type']= value
以下是 Graphs 和 MultiGraphs 的不同工作方式示例.
Here are examples of how it works differently for Graphs and MultiGraphs.
对于 Graph 案例属性的工作方式如下:
For the Graph case attributes work like this:
MultiGraphs 有一个额外级别的键来跟踪平行边,因此它的工作方式略有不同.如果您没有明确设置键 MultiGraph.add_edge() 将使用内部选择的键(顺序整数)添加新边.
With MultiGraphs there is an additional level of keys to keep track of the parallel edges so it works a little differently. If you don't explicitly set a key MultiGraph.add_edge() will add a new edge with an internally chosen key (sequential integers).