例如,Python 中的文件是可迭代的——它们迭代文件中的行.我想计算行数.
For example, files, in Python, are iterable - they iterate over the lines in the file. I want to count the number of lines.
One quick way is to do this:
However, this loads the whole file into memory (at once). This rather defeats the purpose of an iterator (which only needs to keep the current line in memory).
Is there any way to do this short of defining a count function?
To clarify, I understand that the whole file will have to be read! I just don't want it in memory all at once
没有遍历iterable并计算迭代次数,没有.这就是使它成为可迭代而不是列表的原因.这甚至不是一个特定于 python 的问题.看看经典的链表数据结构.查找长度是一个 O(n) 操作,涉及迭代整个列表以查找元素的数量.
Short of iterating through the iterable and counting the number of iterations, no. That's what makes it an iterable and not a list. This isn't really even a python-specific problem. Look at the classic linked-list data structure. Finding the length is an O(n) operation that involves iterating the whole list to find the number of elements.
正如上面提到的 mcrute,您可能可以将您的功能简化为:
As mcrute mentioned above, you can probably reduce your function to:
当然,如果您要定义自己的可迭代对象,您始终可以自己实现 __len__
Of course, if you're defining your own iterable object you can always implement __len__
yourself and keep an element count somewhere.
这篇关于是否有任何内置方法可以在 python 中获取可迭代的长度?的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持跟版网!