Python - 在 FTP 中按块上传内存文件(由 API 调用生成)

本文介绍了Python - 在 FTP 中按块上传内存文件(由 API 调用生成)的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着跟版网的小编来一起学习吧!


我需要能够在 Python 中通过 FTP 和 SFTP 上传文件,但有一些不太常见的限制.

I need to be able to upload a file through FTP and SFTP in Python but with some not so usual constraints.

  1. 文件不得写入磁盘.

  1. File MUST NOT be written in disk.

文件的生成方式是调用 API 并将 JSON 格式的响应写入文件.

The file how it is generated is by calling an API and writing the response which is in JSON to the file.

API 有多次调用.无法通过一次 API 调用来检索整个结果.

There are multiple calls to the API. It is not possible to retrieve the whole result in one single call of the API.


I can not store in a string variable the full result by doing the multiple calls needed and appending in each call until I have the whole file in memory. File could be huge and there is a memory resource constraint. Each chunk should be sent and memory deallocated.


So here some sample code of what I would like to:

def chunks_generator():
    range_list = range(0, 4000, 100)
    for i in range_list:
        data_chunk = requests.get(url=someurl, url_parameters={'offset':i, 'limit':100})
        yield str(data_chunk)

def upload_file():
    chunks_generator = chunks_generator()
    for chunk in chunks_generator:
        data_chunk= chunk
        chunk_io = io.BytesIO(data_chunk)
        ftp = FTP(
        ftp.login(user=self.username, passwd=self.password)
        ftp.storbinary("STOR " + "myfilename.json", chunk_io)


I want only one file with all the chunks appended. What I have already and works is if I have the whole file in memory and send it at once like this:

string_io = io.BytesIO(all_chunks_together_in_one_string)
ftp = FTP(
ftp.login(user=self.username, passwd=self.password)
ftp.storbinary("STOR " + "myfilename.json", string_io )


我在 ftplib 中需要它,但在 Paramiko 中也需要它用于 SFTP.如果有任何其他库可以更好地工作,我是开放的.

I need this in ftplib but will need it in Paramiko as well for SFTP. If there are any other libraries that this would work better I am open.

如果我需要压缩文件怎么办?我可以压缩每个块并一次发送 zip-chunked 块吗?

How about if I need to zip the file? Can I zip each chunk and send the zip-chunked chunk at a time?


可以实现类文件类,调用.read(blocksize)方法从requests 对象.

You can implement file-like class that upon calling .read(blocksize) method retrieves data from requests object.


Something like this (untested):

class ChunksGenerator:
    i = 0
    requests = None

    def __init__(self, requests)
        self.requests = requests

    def read(self, blocksize):
        # TODO: somehow detect end-of-file and return false in that case
        buf = requests.get(
                  url=someurl, url_parameters={'offset':self.i, 'limit':blocksize})
        self.i += blocksize
        return buf

generator = ChunksGenerator(requests)
ftp.storbinary("STOR " + "myfilename.json", generator)


使用 Paramiko,您可以使用与 SFTPClient.putfo 方法.

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