pass array of conditions to doctrine expr()-gt;orx() method(将条件数组传递给 dotric expr()-orx() 方法)
Doctrine 2 - Log changes in manyToMany relation(原则 2 - 记录多对多关系中的变化)
How to check if entity changed in Doctrine 2?(如何检查 Doctrine 2 中的实体是否发生了变化?)
How to set up database-heavy unit tests in Symfony2 using PHPUnit?(如何使用 PHPUnit 在 Symfony2 中设置数据库密集型单元测
Dynamic database connection symfony2(symfony2 动态数据库连接)
Doctrine 2 update from entity(来自实体的 Doctrine 2 更新)
When inserting an entity with associations, is there a way to just use the FK instead of retrieving the entity?(插入具有
Add a column to an existing entity in Symfony(向 Symfony 中的现有实体添加一列)
What cascade quot;refreshquot; means in Doctrine 2?(什么级联“刷新在教义 2 中是什么意思?)
How filter data inside entity object in Symfony 2 and Doctrine(如何在 Symfony 2 和 Doctrine 中过滤实体对象内的数据)
Symfony2 Doctrine PDO MySQL Connection with LOAD DATA LOCAL INFILE(Symfony2 Doctrine PDO MySQL 连接与 LOAD DATA LOCAL IN
How to select discriminator column in doctrine 2(如何在学说 2 中选择鉴别器列)