Allow users to download files outside webroot(允许用户在 webroot 之外下载文件)
How download big file using PHP (low memory usage)(如何使用PHP下载大文件(内存占用低))
Limit download speed using PHP(使用 PHP 限制下载速度)
File download script doesn#39;t work when called from Ajax(从 Ajax 调用时文件下载脚本不起作用)
Download of .zip file runs a corrupted file php(下载 .zip 文件运行损坏的文件 php)
Download Multiple files in one HTTP request(在一个 HTTP 请求中下载多个文件)
using php to download files, not working on large files?(使用 php 下载文件,而不是处理大文件?)
A PHP script to let users download a file from my website without revealing the actual file link in my website?(一个让用
Downloading a file with a different name to the stored name(下载与存储名称不同的文件)
Create a zip file and download it(创建一个 zip 文件并下载它)
How to force a file to download in PHP(如何在 PHP 中强制下载文件)
php - How to force download of a file?(php - 如何强制下载文件?)