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                I want to get all classes inside a namespace. I have something like this:

                #File: MyClass1.php
                namespace MyNamespace;
                class MyClass1() { ... }
                #File: MyClass2.php
                namespace MyNamespace;
                class MyClass2() { ... }
                #Any number of files and classes with MyNamespace may be specified.
                #File: ClassHandler.php
                namespace SomethingElse;
                use MyNamespace as Classes;
                class ClassHandler {
                    public function getAllClasses() {
                        // Here I want every classes declared inside MyNamespace.

                我在 getAllClasses() 中尝试了 get_declared_classes()MyClass1MyClass2 不在列表中.

                I tried get_declared_classes() inside getAllClasses() but MyClass1 and MyClass2 were not in the list.




                The generic approach would be to get all fully qualified classnames (class with full namespace) in your project, and then filter by the wanted namespace.

                PHP 提供了一些本机函数来获取这些类(get_declared_classes 等),但它们无法找到尚未加载的类(包括/要求),因此它不能按预期使用自动加载器(例如作曲家).这是一个主要问题,因为自动加载器的使用非常普遍.

                PHP offers some native functions to get those classes (get_declared_classes, etc), but they won't be able to find classes that have not been loaded (include / require), therefore it won't work as expected with autoloaders (like Composer for example). This is a major issue as the usage of autoloaders is very common.

                所以你最后的办法是自己查找所有 PHP 文件并解析它们以提取它们的命名空间和类:

                So your last resort is to find all PHP files by yourself and parse them to extract their namespace and class:

                $path = __DIR__;
                $fqcns = array();
                $allFiles = new RecursiveIteratorIterator(new RecursiveDirectoryIterator($path));
                $phpFiles = new RegexIterator($allFiles, '/.php$/');
                foreach ($phpFiles as $phpFile) {
                    $content = file_get_contents($phpFile->getRealPath());
                    $tokens = token_get_all($content);
                    $namespace = '';
                    for ($index = 0; isset($tokens[$index]); $index++) {
                        if (!isset($tokens[$index][0])) {
                        if (T_NAMESPACE === $tokens[$index][0]) {
                            $index += 2; // Skip namespace keyword and whitespace
                            while (isset($tokens[$index]) && is_array($tokens[$index])) {
                                $namespace .= $tokens[$index++][1];
                        if (T_CLASS === $tokens[$index][0] && T_WHITESPACE === $tokens[$index + 1][0] && T_STRING === $tokens[$index + 2][0]) {
                            $index += 2; // Skip class keyword and whitespace
                            $fqcns[] = $namespace.'\'.$tokens[$index][1];
                            # break if you have one class per file (psr-4 compliant)
                            # otherwise you'll need to handle class constants (Foo::class)

                如果您遵循 PSR 0 或 PSR 4 标准(您的目录树反映了您的命名空间),则无需过滤任何内容:只需提供与您想要的命名空间对应的路径即可.

                If you follow PSR 0 or PSR 4 standards (your directory tree reflects your namespace), you don't have to filter anything: just give the path that corresponds to the namespace you want.

                如果你不喜欢复制/粘贴上面的代码片段,你可以简单地安装这个库:https://github.com/gnugat/nomo-spaco.如果您使用 PHP >= 5.5,还可以使用以下库:https://github.com/hanneskod/classtools .

                If you're not a fan of copying/pasting the above code snippets, you can simply install this library: https://github.com/gnugat/nomo-spaco . If you use PHP >= 5.5, you can also use the following library: https://github.com/hanneskod/classtools .


                上一篇:SimpleXML:使用包含命名空间的 XML 下一篇:如何在 codeigniter 中使用作曲家包?


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