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      1. 围绕其中心点/轴旋转 3D 形状

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                  本文介绍了围绕其中心点/轴旋转 3D 形状的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着跟版网的小编来一起学习吧!


                  我在 STL 文件中定义了一个 3D 形状,我想使用 Yaw、Pitch 和 Roll 围绕它的轴/中心旋转它.但是,我已经实现了一个解决方案,但它并没有按预期工作,因为 它会围绕原点轴旋转 3D 形状.这是我到目前为止所做的(用 PHP 编写):

                  I have a 3D shape defined in STL file and I'd like to rotate it around its axis/center using Yaw, Pitch and Roll. However, I've already implemented a solution and it doesn't work as expected as it rotates the 3D shape around the origin axis instead. Here's what I've done so far (written in PHP):

                  function rotate($vertices, $roll = 0, $pitch = 0, $yaw = 0) 
                          $cosa = cos($yaw);
                          $sina = sin($yaw);
                          $cosb = cos($pitch);
                          $sinb = sin($pitch);
                          $cosc = cos($roll);
                          $sinc = sin($roll);
                          $Axx = $cosa * $cosb;
                          $Axy = $cosa * $sinb * $sinc - $sina * $cosc;
                          $Axz = $cosa * $sinb * $cosc + $sina * $sinc;
                          $Ayx = $sina * $cosb;
                          $Ayy = $sina * $sinb * $sinc + $cosa * $cosc;
                          $Ayz = $sina * $sinb * $cosc - $cosa * $sinc;
                          $Azx = -$sinb;
                          $Azy = $cosb * $sinc;
                          $Azz = $cosb * $cosc;
                          //loop through all triangles
                          foreach($vertices as $i => $vertex) 
                              $px = $vertex->x;
                              $py = $vertex->y;
                              $pz = $vertex->z;
                              $points = 
                                  'x' => ($Axx * $px + $Axy * $py + $Axz * $pz), 
                                  'y' => ($Ayx * $px + $Ayy * $py + $Ayz * $pz), 
                                  'z' => ($Azx * $px + $Azy * $py + $Azz * $pz)
                              //update the vertex
                              $vertices[$i]->setVertex($vi, $points);
                      return $vertices;


                  Please let me know if I'm missing something. any help would be appreciated.


                  上面的代码绕原点旋转.如果您的旋转中心(例如 $c)不是原点,您可以在旋转之前移动对象:

                  The code above rotates about the origin. If your centre of rotation (say, $c), isn't the origin, you can move the object before rotating:

                  $px = $vertex->x - $c->x;
                  $py = $vertex->y - $c->y;
                  $pz = $vertex->z - $c->z;


                  After rotating, move the point back to the centre of rotation:

                  $points = 
                      'x' => ($Axx * $px + $Axy * $py + $Axz * $pz) + $c->x, 
                      'y' => ($Ayx * $px + $Ayy * $py + $Ayz * $pz) + $c->y, 
                      'z' => ($Azx * $px + $Azy * $py + $Azz * $pz) + $c->z

                  这篇关于围绕其中心点/轴旋转 3D 形状的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持跟版网!

                  上一篇:PHP/GD,如何将一个圆圈从一个图像复制到另一个图像? 下一篇:从 kml 文件计算地面覆盖角的纬度/经度


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