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                  我正在使用 Amazon Mechanical Turk API,它只允许我使用正则表达式来过滤数据字段.

                  I am working with the Amazon Mechanical Turk API and it will only allow me to use regular expressions to filter a field of data.

                  我想向函数输入一个整数范围,例如 256-311 或 45-1233,并返回一个仅匹配该范围的正则表达式.

                  I would like to input an integer range to a function, such as 256-311 or 45-1233, and return a regex that would match only that range.

                  匹配 256-321 的正则表达式将是:

                  A regex matching 256-321 would be:



                  That part is fairly easy, but I am having trouble with the loop to create this regex.


                  I am trying to build a function defined like this:

                  function getRangeRegex( int fromInt, int toInt)
                        return regexString;


                  I looked all over the web and I am surprised that it doesn't look like anyone has solved this in the past. It is a difficult problem...




                  function regex_range($from, $to) {
                    if($from < 0 || $to < 0) {
                      throw new Exception("Negative values not supported"); 
                    if($from > $to) {
                      throw new Exception("Invalid range $from..$to, from > to"); 
                    $ranges = array($from);
                    $increment = 1;
                    $next = $from;
                    $higher = true;
                    while(true) {
                      $next += $increment;
                      if($next + $increment > $to) {
                        if($next <= $to) {
                          $ranges[] = $next;
                        $increment /= 10;
                        $higher = false;
                      else if($next % ($increment*10) === 0) {
                        $ranges[] = $next;
                        $increment = $higher ? $increment*10 : $increment/10;
                      if(!$higher && $increment < 10) {
                    $ranges[] = $to + 1;
                    $regex = '/^(?:';
                    for($i = 0; $i < sizeof($ranges) - 1; $i++) {
                      $str_from = (string)($ranges[$i]);
                      $str_to = (string)($ranges[$i + 1] - 1);
                      for($j = 0; $j < strlen($str_from); $j++) {
                        if($str_from[$j] == $str_to[$j]) {
                          $regex .= $str_from[$j];
                        else {
                          $regex .= "[" . $str_from[$j] . "-" . $str_to[$j] . "]";
                      $regex .= "|";
                    return substr($regex, 0, strlen($regex)-1) . ')$/';
                  function test($from, $to) {
                    try {
                      printf("%-10s %s
                  ", $from . '-' . $to, regex_range($from, $to));
                    } catch (Exception $e) {
                      echo $e->getMessage() . "
                  test(2, 8);
                  test(5, 35);
                  test(5, 100);
                  test(12, 1234);
                  test(123, 123);
                  test(256, 321);
                  test(256, 257);
                  test(180, 195);


                  2-8        /^(?:[2-7]|8)$/
                  5-35       /^(?:[5-9]|[1-2][0-9]|3[0-5])$/
                  5-100      /^(?:[5-9]|[1-9][0-9]|100)$/
                  12-1234    /^(?:1[2-9]|[2-9][0-9]|[1-9][0-9][0-9]|1[0-2][0-3][0-4])$/
                  123-123    /^(?:123)$/
                  256-321    /^(?:25[6-9]|2[6-9][0-9]|3[0-2][0-1])$/
                  256-257    /^(?:256|257)$/
                  180-195    /^(?:18[0-9]|19[0-5])$/
                  Invalid range 2..1, from > to
                  Negative values not supported


                  Not properly tested, use at your own risk!


                  And yes, the generated regex could be written more compact in many cases, but I leave that as an exercise for the reader :)


                  上一篇:PHP 中整数 (intcmp) 的 strcmp 等效项 下一篇:使用 PHP int 的开销是多少?


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