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      2. 努力在 Centos 上安装 PHP pecl


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                  本文介绍了努力在 Centos 上安装 PHP pecl的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着跟版网的小编来一起学习吧!


                  我正在尝试在我的 CentOS 服务器上安装 php_http PHP 扩展.

                  I'm trying to install the php_http PHP extension on my CentOS server.


                  yum install php-pear


                  No package php-pear available



                  并从 Pear 中获取命令列表.

                  And get a list of commands from Pear.

                  yum install pecl 也一样.我可以做 peclpecl install pecl_http 返回:

                  Same for yum install pecl. I can do pecl but pecl install pecl_http returns:

                  No releases available for package "pecl.php.net/pecl_http"
                  install failed

                  然而 /usr/bin/pecl 不是一个存在的目录.还有一个 sudo pecl install pecl_http 返回 sudo: pecl: command not found,我觉得这很奇怪.

                  Yet /usr/bin/pecl isn't a directory that exists. Also a sudo pecl install pecl_http returns sudo: pecl: command not found, which I find quite odd.


                  I'm not entirely sure what's going on here/what I'm doing wrong.


                  edit: I am using the following repos:

                  base                         CentOS-6 - Base
                  epel                         Extra Packages for Enterprise Linux 6 - x86_64
                  extras                       CentOS-6 - Extras
                  rpmforge                     RHEL 6 - RPMforge.net - dag
                  updates                      CentOS-6 - Updates
                  vz-base                      vz-base
                  vz-updates                   vz-updates                                                            


                  在 CentOS 上,

                  On CentOS,

                  1. 如果尚未安装,请安装 PHP Pear:

                  1. Install PHP Pear if not installed yet:

                  # yum install php-pear

                • 如果尚未安装 GCC,请安装:

                • Install GCC if not installed yet:

                  # yum install gcc

                • 如果尚未安装 cURL,请安装:

                • Install cURL if not installed yet:

                  # yum install curl-devel

                • 如果尚未安装,请安装以下库:

                • Install following libraries if not installed yet:

                  # yum install php-devel
                  # yum install zlib-devel
                  # yum install pcre-devel

                • 开始主安装:

                • Start the main installation:

                  # pecl install pecl_http

                • 将以下行添加到/etc/php.ini 文件中

                • Add the following line to /etc/php.ini file


                • 重启 apache 服务器以便加载扩展

                • Restart apache server so the extension can be loaded

                  # service httpd restart

                • 您可以查看是否安装成功:

                  You can check if it installed successfully or not:

                  # pecl list

                  这篇关于努力在 Centos 上安装 PHP pecl的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持跟版网!

                  上一篇:如何允许apache发送电子邮件? 下一篇:php-fpm 不创建 .sock 文件


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