任何人都可以帮助我找出 apache 和 CentOS 中的默认会话超时.
Anyone can help me to find out the default session time out in apache and CentOS.
这来自 php.ini
中的 php,而不是 apache 或操作系统.
This comes from php in php.ini
and not apache or the OS.
默认值为 1440(以秒为单位,因此为 24 分钟),但这取决于您的托管服务提供商.您正在寻找的具体设置是
The default value is 1440 (measured in seconds, so 24 minutes) but it depends on your hosting provider. The specific setting you are looking for is
其他答案中提到的 Timeout
Things to which the Timeout
directive mentioned in the other answers applies:
从客户端读取数据时,如果读取缓冲区为空,则等待 TCP 数据包到达的时间长度.
When reading data from the client, the length of time to wait for a TCP packet to arrive if the read buffer is empty.
When writing data to the client, the length of time to wait for an acknowledgement of a packet if the send buffer is full.
在 mod_cgi 中,等待 CGI 脚本输出的时间长度.
In mod_cgi, the length of time to wait for output from a CGI script.
在 mod_ext_filter 中,等待过滤进程输出的时间长度.
In mod_ext_filter, the length of time to wait for output from a filtering process.
在 mod_proxy 中,如果没有配置 ProxyTimeout 的默认超时值.
In mod_proxy, the default timeout value if ProxyTimeout is not configured.
编辑来源:Apache HTTP Server 核心文档
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