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        使用 laravel 验证检查名称在未删除项目中是否唯一


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                  本文介绍了使用 laravel 验证检查名称在未删除项目中是否唯一的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着跟版网的小编来一起学习吧!



                  I have a simple form which posts to a controller which checks if a name for an item is already taken for a particular project. If it is, then it returns an error. This is the code I'm using for that:

                  'name'    => 'required|min:1|unique:versions,name,NULL,id,project_id,'.$project->id,


                  The problem I've run into is that instead of a hard delete, I'm using a soft delete to remove them from the database, meaning that, for example, 'Test' can only be used as the name once, even after it's been deleted.


                  How can I make it check that it is unique for that project among the items that are not soft deleted?



                  'name' => 'required|min:1|unique:versions,name,NULL,id,deleted_at,NULL'

                  这将确保 versions 表中的 name 是唯一的,如果一条记录被软删除并且具有相同的名称 name 则不会被计算在内, 表示即使存在同名的软删除记录,名称也会被接受.

                  This will make sure that the name in the versions table will be unique, if a record is soft deleted and has same name name then it won't be counted, means, name will be accepted even if there is a soft deleted record with the same name exists.

                  要在更新时忽略模型,您应该在 name 之后传递 id 来代替第一个 NULL.

                  To ignore a model when updating, you should pass the id after name in the place of first NULL.


                  Update: Also you may use something like this to add your own custom rule:

                  // You can declare it inside your controller method before you run validation
                  Validator::extend('unique_project', function($attribute, $value, $parameters)
                     // $attribute will contain field name, i.e. name
                     // $value will contain the value in the $attribute/name
                     // $parameters will be an array of arguments passed
                     // i.e. [0] => arg1, [1] => arg2, [2] => arg3 and so on
                     return true for valid and false for invalid


                  'name' => 'required|min:1|unique_project:arg1,arg2,arg3' // add more args if needed

                  这篇关于使用 laravel 验证检查名称在未删除项目中是否唯一的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持跟版网!

                  上一篇:在 laravel 项目中生成动态站点地图而不使用作曲家 下一篇:Laravel 4 - 刀片模板 - 如何正确链接到路线?


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