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        Laravel - 上次登录日期和时间时间戳


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                  本文介绍了Laravel - 上次登录日期和时间时间戳的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着跟版网的小编来一起学习吧!


                  我知道有自动插入的字段(例如 updated_atcreated_at)但我想知道是否有类似 Eloquent 方法 timestamp() 还是 Laravel 产生时间戳的方式?

                  I know there are fields automatically inserted (e.g. updated_at and created_at) but I was wondering if there is like an Eloquent method timestamp() or the Laravel way to produce timestamps?


                  For instance, I want to record a timestamp every time a user logs in to my system and store it into the database, so we can see each user's last login date and time details.


                  您可以观察到 auth.login 事件并更新用户的上次登录时间.请参阅 文档 中的第一个示例,了解事件以准确完成您想要做的事情.

                  You may observe the auth.login event and update the user's last login time. See the first example in the documentation for events to accomplish exactly what you're trying to do.

                  Event::listen('auth.login', function($user) {
                      $user->last_login = new DateTime;

                  注意:在 4.0 中,事件名称为 user.login.在 4.1 中,事件名称为 auth.login

                  Note: In 4.0, the event name is user.login. In 4.1, the event name is auth.login


                  It's really up to you where you put your Event listeners. If you read the linked to doc page, it states:


                  So, you know how to register events, but you may be wondering where to register them. Don't worry, this is a common question. Unfortunately, it's a hard question to answer because you can register an event almost anywhere! But, here are some tips. Again, like most other bootstrapping code, you may register events in one of your start files such as app/start/global.php.

                  如果您的启动文件过于拥挤,您可以创建一个从开始文件中包含的单独的 app/events.php 文件.这是一个简单的解决方案,可以让您的活动注册保持干净与您的其他引导程序分开.如果你喜欢上课基于方法,您可以在服务提供商中注册您的活动.由于这些方法都不是本质上正确"的,因此选择一个根据您的大小,您感觉舒适的方法应用.

                  If your start files are getting too crowded, you could create a separate app/events.php file that is included from a start file. This is a simple solution that keeps your event registration cleanly separated from the rest of your bootstrapping. If you prefer a class based approach, you may register your events in a service provider. Since none of these approaches is inherently "correct", choose an approach you feel comfortable with based on the size of your application.


                  My personal preference would be to register them within a Service Provider, since that would keep them segregated and to me is the more 'Laravel' way of doing things. If you need help with service providers, see this documentation entry.

                  但是,如果您真的只是想尽快启动并运行某些东西,那么在 app/start/global.php

                  However, if you really just want to get something up and running as quickly as possible, it would be just as easy for you to register that listener inside of app/start/global.php

                  这篇关于Laravel - 上次登录日期和时间时间戳的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持跟版网!

                  上一篇:删除带有外键 Laravel 错误的列:一般错误:1025 重命名错误 下一篇:在 Windows 7 中安装 Laravel 4.1//使 .phar 文件对 Windows 命令行全局可用


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