I am having my users to enter their city, state, and country. But my dilemma is how to manage it dynamically so that I can control what is entered while having correct spelling and formatting.
For instance, I currently have a static drop down for each state.
<option name="state" value="AL">Alabama</option>
<option name="state" value="AK">Alaska</option>
<option name="state" value="AZ">Arizona</option>
<option name="state" value="AR">Arkansas</option>
<option name="state" value="CA">California</option>
这显然工作正常,但如果用户不在美国,则根本无法扩展.它在不同的国家和城市方面也存在不足.我曾想过使用文本字段,然后将它们保存在一个单独的数据库中,并使用 JQuery 自动完成插件来生成列表,但这似乎不是最好的方法.
This works fine obviously, but doesn't scale at all if the user is outside the US. It also falls short in regards to different countries and cities. I have thought of using text fields, then saving them in a separate database and using the JQuery autocomplete plugin for generating the list but it doesn't seem like the best way to do it.
好的,几个小时后我写了一个基于 MySQL 世界数据库的应用程序:MySQL 世界设置
Ok so after several hours I've written an application based on the MySQL world database: MySQL world Setup
整个应用程序的代码太大了,无法给出答案,因此我将为每个单独的文件提供 Pastebin 链接,以及指向脚本工作示例的链接和 Zip 存档的下载链接.
The code for the entire application is way to large to put in an answer so I'll provide Pastebin links for each seperate file, aswell as a link to a working example of the script and a download link for the Zip archive.
I'm sure the code can be improved further, but I'll leave that up to you.
Requirements: MySQL world Database / jQuery
Zip 存档下载(不包括数据库!):
I'm working on an updated script due to the popular demands on this question. It will be added soon.