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        PHP 函数 - 忽略一些默认参数


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                • 本文介绍了PHP 函数 - 忽略一些默认参数的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着跟版网的小编来一起学习吧!


                  有什么方法可以在 PHP 中指定可选参数值?



                  public function getSomething($orderBy='x', $direction = 'DESC', $limit=null){
                  //do something random


                  When calling the function is it possible to ignore the first two fields and leave them default yet specify the 3rd.


                  $random = $this->my_model->getSomething(USE_DEFAULT, USE_DEFAULT, 10);


                  I know I can pass the 1st and 2nd parameters but all im asking is if their is some kind of special keyword that just says use the default value.


                  Hope that makes sense. its not a problem, just curious.



                  你需要自己做.您可以使用 null 来指示应使用默认值:

                  You need to do that yourself. You can use null to indicate that a default value should be used:

                  public function getSomething($orderBy = null, $direction = null, $limit = null) {
                      // fallbacks
                      if ($orderBy === null) $orderBy = 'x';
                      if ($direction === null) $direction = 'DESC';
                      // do something random


                  Then pass null when calling it to indicate that you want to use the defaults:

                  $random = $this->my_model->getSomething(null, null, 10);



                  Another possible solution that I use sometimes is an additional parameter at the very end of the parameter list, containing all optional parameters:

                  public function foo($options = array()) {
                      // merge with defaults
                      $options = array_merge(array(
                          'orderBy'   => 'x',
                          'direction' => 'DESC',
                          'limit'     => null
                      ), $options);
                      // do stuff

                  这样您就不需要指定所有可选参数.array_merge() 确保您始终处理一整套选项.你会像这样使用它:

                  That way you do not need to specify all optional arguments. array_merge() ensures that you are always dealing with a complete set of options. You would use it like this:

                  $random = $this->my_model->foo(array('limit' => 10));


                  It seems like there is no required parameter this particular case, but if you need one, simply add it in front of the optional ones:

                  public function foo($someRequiredParameter, $someOtherRequiredParameter, $options = array()) {
                      // ...

                  这篇关于PHP 函数 - 忽略一些默认参数的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持跟版网!

                  上一篇:如何将参数从bash传递到php脚本? 下一篇:jqGrid setSelect 函数与参数化查询


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