CakePHP 自定义验证与错误消息中的变量

本文介绍了CakePHP 自定义验证与错误消息中的变量的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着跟版网的小编来一起学习吧!



我有一个模型,它有一个名为百分比"的字段.所有类似模型的百分比总和不能超过 100%.验证过程中会对此进行检查.

I have a Model that has a field called "percentage". All similar Models cannot have their percentages add up to more than 100%. Checking for this is handled during validation.

我需要验证错误消息来说明用户剩余的空间"百分比.例如,如果所有 MyModel 已经有 80% 的总数,而用户尝试创建一个百分比为 40% 的新 MyModel,则错误消息会显示您的百分比太高.您只剩下 20% 了".

I need the validation error message to say how much percentage "room" the user has left. For example, if all MyModels already have a total of 80% and the user tries to create a new MyModel with a percentage of 40%, the error message would say, "Your percentage is too high. You only have 20% remaining."


The problem is that I don't know how to put a variable in a validation error message.

在 MyModel.php 中:

In MyModel.php:

public $validate = array(
    'percentage' => array(
        'rule' => array('confirmValidPercentage', 'percentage'),
        'message' => 'foo',
        'required' => true,

public function confirmValidPercentage($data) {
    $percentage = floatval($data['percentage']);

    $total = 0.00;
    $weights = $this->find('all', array('recursive'=>-1));
    foreach ($weights as $weight) {
        $total += floatval($weight[$this->name]['percentage']);

    if ($total + $percentage > 100) {
        // handle the error variable here
        return false;
    else {
        return true;


$this->validate['percentage']['message'] = 'You have '.(100-$total).'% remaining';

但是这里设置的消息元素不会覆盖原始消息——错误消息仍然是foo".我尝试从 $validation 数组中完全删除消息元素,但它默认为父名称,即百分比".我试过了:

but the message element set here does not override the original message - the error message remains 'foo'. I tried removing the message element form the $validation array altogether, but it defaults to the parent name, i.e. 'percentage'. I tried:



before setting the validate message but the result is the same.


Does anyone know how to return a variable in a validation error message? Thanks a lot.



thats actually pretty easy. just return the error string!

return 'You have ' . ...;

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上一篇:使用 Paypal IPN 时如何将收货地址发送到 Paypal 下一篇:CakePHP 2.3 - 单元测试用户登录

