cakephp OR 条件

本文介绍了cakephp OR 条件的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着跟版网的小编来一起学习吧!


最初张贴在cakephp Q&A上,但我把它放在这里希望得到一些答案.

Originaly posted on cakephp Q&A but i'll put it up here in hope of getting some answers.

我有很多公司的默认状态为 0,但有时会获得更高的状态.现在我想使用高状态(如果存在)但如果不存在则恢复为 0.我尝试了很多不同的方法,但我总是只得到状态为 0 的方法或具有我想要的状态的方法,如果存在则从不给我状态,如果不存在则为 0.

I have a bunch of companies that has a status of 0 as default but sometimes get a higher status. Now i want to use the high status if exists but revert to 0 if not. i have tried a bunch of different approaches but i always get either only the ones with status 0 or the ones with the status i want, never giving me status if exists and 0 if not.

只给我指定的状态,不给我状态为 0 的状态:

Gives me only the status i specify, not giving me the ones with status 0:

'Company' => array (
    'conditions' =>  array (
        'OR' => array(
            'Company.status' => 0,
            'Company.status' => $status,


只给我 0 的状态:

'Company' => array (
    'conditions' =>  array (
        'OR' => array(
            'Company.status' => $status,
            'Company.status' => 0


Status definition and retrieving data in code:

function getCountry($id = null, $status = null) {
    // Bunch of code for retrieving country with $id and all it's companies etc, all with status 0.
    $status_less_companies = $this->Country->find...

    if ($status) {
        $status_companies = $this->Country->find('first', array(
            'conditions' => array(
                '' => $id
            'contain' => array(
                'Product' => array (
                    'Company' => array (
                        'conditions' =>  array (
                            'OR' => array(
                                'Company.status' => $status,
                                'Company.status' => 0

    // Mergin $status_less_companies and $status_companies and returning data to flex application.

我为这个问题更改了模型的名称只是为了更有意义,当我告诉他们我为我的 flex 应用程序使用 cakephp 时,人们通常会感到害怕.我想这个问题的逻辑没有意义,但相信我,它在我的应用程序中是有意义的.

I changed the name for the models for this question just to make more sense, people are generaly frighten away when i tell them i work with cakephp for my flex application. I guess the logic to this question doesn't make sense but trust me that it makes sense in my application.



我不确定是否理解您期望的结果.如果您想检索状态为 0 的所有记录,再加上状态为 3 的记录,您可以使用IN"而不是OR".

I'm not sure to have understood what results you expect. If you want to retrieve all records having status = 0, plus let's say the one having status = 3, you could use an 'IN' instead of an 'OR'.

在 Cake 中,你可以这样写:

In Cake, you would write it like this:

$status = 3;
$conditions = array('Company.status' => array(0, $status));

这篇关于cakephp OR 条件的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持跟版网!

上一篇:手动安装 cakephp 3,无需作曲家 下一篇:$this->set('title', 'Title Name');在 CakeP

