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      1. cocos2d如何快速绘制背景?


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                  我正在使用 cocos2d 在我的 iPad 上玩一个小游戏,我遇到了一些性能问题.我有一个 512x512 的图像平铺作为我的背景.这给了我大约 40fps 和 20 个精灵(在 CCSpriteBatchNode 中),背景代码是这样的:

                  I'm toying with a small game on my iPad using cocos2d and I've run into some performance worries. I have a 512x512 image tiled as my background. That gives me around 40fps with 20 sprites (in a CCSpriteBatchNode), the code for the background is this:

                  CCSprite *background;
                  background = [CCSprite spriteWithFile:@"oak.png" rect : CGRectMake(0,
                  background.position =  ccp( size.width /2 , size.height/2 );
                  ccTexParams params = {GL_LINEAR,GL_LINEAR,GL_REPEAT,GL_REPEAT};
                  [background.texture setTexParameters: &params];

                  如果我移除背景,我会得到稳定的 60fps.

                  If I remove the background I get a solid 60fps.

                  我已尝试将图像转换为 PVRTC,但确实提供了额外的一两帧.我使用 1024x768 图像而不是平铺版本获得相同的帧速率.

                  I've tried converting the image to PVRTC and that did give an extra fps or two. I get identical framerates using a 1024x768 image instead of the tiled version.

                  因为我的背景将保持轴对齐、未缩放且通常是静态的.我认为应该有比将它作为常规 CCSprite 更快的方法来绘制它?

                  Since my background will remain axis aligned, unscaled and generally static. I figure there should be a faster way to draw it than having it as a regular CCSprite?


                  原来 cocos2d 以神秘的方式移动.将背景添加到否则为空的包装 CCSprite 可使帧率恢复到 60:

                  Turns out cocos2d moves in mysterious ways. Adding the background to an otherwise empty wrapping CCSprite gets the framerate back up to 60:

                  CCSprite *spback = [(CCSprite*)[CCSprite alloc] init];
                  [self addChild:spback];
                  CCSprite *sp = [CCSprite spriteWithFile:@"Background.png"];
                  sp.position = ccp(1024/2, 768/2);
                  [spback addChild:sp];

                  这要归功于 cocos2d 论坛上的 yaoligang.

                  Credits for this goes to yaoligang on the cocos2d forums.


                  上一篇:使用 cocos2d 处理对 CCSprite 的触摸的最佳实践 下一篇:cocos2d中的水效果


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