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    3. 什么是“陷阱"?在开发 iPhone 游戏时?


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              • 本文介绍了什么是“陷阱"?在开发 iPhone 游戏时?的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着跟版网的小编来一起学习吧!


                Am used to developing business and reference apps. Now I have to do an iPhone game. What tips can you share to help me with:

                1. understanding the scope of the project
                2. defining the deliverables
                3. specifying the game play and other parameters
                4. estimating the development effort
                5. testing the game

                A big question, I know. Thanks!


                The main difference between business apps and games, especially on mobile devices, is the importance of performance. An app that puts up a form and waits for user input probably isn't doing anything in the meantime. A game loop, on the other hand is going all the time and probably doing alot. Business programmers are not used to thinking in these terms, but games draw down battery power and, believe it or not, how you implement your game will have a great effect on how quickly that battery is drawn down.

                So, one question is, what is this game that you "have to" develop? If it is sudoku, no worries. If it's a real-time 3D space battle, that's another story.

                If your business apps were on the iPhone, then you probably used 100% Objective-C. (If you were doing C# or Java apps on desktops, then welcome to managing your own memory.) There are those who will tell you that the runtime type management of Objective-C is too slow for complex games. People certainly make OK games using it with Cocos2D and other engines, but again it depends on the game. There are professional developers who will only work with C++ or even straight C.

                这篇关于什么是“陷阱"?在开发 iPhone 游戏时?的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持跟版网!

                上一篇:cocos2d:在菜单背景下播放视频 下一篇:在 cocos2D 游戏环境中应用缩放效果?


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