我现有的一个已启动应用的 minSdkVersion 是 4,但现在我想提供一个更新,将 minSdkVersion 更改为 5.
One of my existing launched app's minSdkVersion is 4, but now I want to provide an update , which minSdkVersion is changed to 5.
I have tried and upload to the market is okay, but what will happend when this update is really being rolled out?
What would happen to the user with device can't meet the requirement? Any side effect except they won't be able to install the app in the future?
如果您在开发者控制台中停用"旧的 apk 文件 - 您的应用程序将只能下载 API 5+.对于使用 API 4 且已安装应用程序的人不会有任何影响.
If you "deactivate" old apk file in developer console - your app will we able for downloading only for API 5+. There will not be any effect for people with API 4 and already installed app.
如果您将市场中的新旧 apk 都保持在活动"状态,那么市场将为 API 4 的用户提供旧的 apk,为 API 5+ 的用户提供新的 apk.他们还将提供更新您的应用程序.
If you keep both old and new apks in market in "active" state, then market will offer old one for people with API 4 and new one for people with API 5+. Also they will be offered to update your app.
当您添加支持的版本少于旧版本的 apk 时,您会看到:
When you add apk that supports less versions than old one, you will see this:
市场自行决定给用户什么 apk.
Market resolve itself what apk to give user.
这篇关于在应用更新期间提高 Android API 级别的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持跟版网!