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    3. 如何允许 android 应用 alpha/beta 测试人员免费下载该应用?

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              • 本文介绍了如何允许 android 应用 alpha/beta 测试人员免费下载该应用?的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着跟版网的小编来一起学习吧!


                我想以 $x 的价格向公众发布一个应用程序,但我想允许免费下载 Google Developer Console Alpha/Beta APK.我希望测试人员能够免费下载它吗?我该怎么做?

                I have an application that I want to release for $x amount to the public, however, I want to allow the Google Developer Console Alpha/Beta APK to be downloaded for free. I want the testers to be able to download it for free? How do I do that?


                PS.我可以发誓我在 Google 上找到了该链接,但我似乎再也找不到了.

                PS. I could swear I found the link on Google, but I can't seem to find it again.



                Here is my conclusion (in short, no solution):

                1-(不幸的是,这一点不正确,除非您直接从商店下载,否则您将无法获得更新.)唯一的问题是将第一个 APK 交付给测试人员,因为他们无法从 Play 商店下载应用程序,但是,从 Play 商店下载更新是可行的并且没问题,(交付的 APK 必须使用与 Play 商店 APK 相同的密钥签名).

                1- ( unfortunately this point is not correct, you wont get the updates unless you download directly from the store.) The only issue is delivering the first APK to the testers, as they wont be able to download the application from the Play Store, however, downloading updates from the Play Store is doable and okay, (delivered APK must be signed with same key as Play Store APK).

                2- 如果应用程序从未公开发布过,测试人员必须在 Play 商店中拥有指向该应用程序的某种直接链接,因为搜索它永远不会出现(即使使用包名称:com.example.application).但在拥有第一个 APK 后,您只需在 Play 商店的我的应用程序"部分查看即可.

                2- If the application is never publicly released yet, testers must have some sort of a direct link to the application on the Play Store, as searching for it will never show up (even with package name: com.example.application). But after having the first APK, you can just look through the 'My Apps" section in the Play Store and find it.

                3- 谷歌没有让这更容易,特别是考虑到这个概念的琐碎性和对它的需求.

                3- Google sucks for not making this easier, especially given the triviality of the concept and the need for it.


                Thanks everyone for your suggestions. But considering none of them were the answer, because there is no answer, I had to sum up my findings here. Cheers.

                这篇关于如何允许 android 应用 alpha/beta 测试人员免费下载该应用?的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持跟版网!

                上一篇:In App Billing 是否支持多个帐户? 下一篇:在应用更新期间提高 Android API 级别


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