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      1. 创建基于自动布局的指标视图


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                  我有一个可重用的视图,我将在 UITableViewCell'sUICollectionViewCell's 中使用,并且需要获取 tableView:heightForRowAtIndexPath:.一些子视图在 layoutSubviews 内部发生了一些事情,所以我不能调用 systemLayoutForContentSize:,而是我的计划是:

                  I have a reusable view I will be using in UITableViewCell's and UICollectionViewCell's, and need to get its dimensions for tableView:heightForRowAtIndexPath:. Some subviews have stuff going on inside layoutSubviews so I can't call systemLayoutForContentSize:, instead my plan is to:

                  1. 实例化指标视图.
                  2. 设置大小以包含所需的宽度.
                  3. 用数据填充它.
                  4. 更新约束/布局子视图.
                  5. 获取视图或内部尺寸"视图的高度.


                  The problem I'm running into is that I cannot force the view to layout without inserting it into the view and waiting for the runloop.

                  我提炼了一个相当无聊的例子.这是 View.xib.子视图未对齐以突出显示视图从未被布置到基线位置:

                  I've distilled a rather boring example. Here's View.xib. The subview is misaligned to highlight that the view is never getting laid out even to the baseline position:


                  UIView *view = [[UINib nibWithNibName:@"View" bundle:nil] instantiateWithOwner:nil options:nil][0];
                  NSLog(@"Subviews: %@", view.subviews);
                  view.frame = CGRectMake(0, 0, 200, 200);
                  [view updateConstraints];
                  [view layoutSubviews];
                  NSLog(@"Subviews: %@", view.subviews);
                  [self.view addSubview:view];
                  [view updateConstraints];
                  [view layoutSubviews];
                  NSLog(@"Subviews: %@", view.subviews);
                  dispatch_async(dispatch_get_main_queue(), ^{
                      NSLog(@"Subviews: %@", view.subviews);


                  1) "<UIView: 0x8bad9e0; frame = (50 50; 220 468); autoresize = W+H; layer = <CALayer: 0x8be0070>>"
                  2) "<UIView: 0x8bad9e0; frame = (50 50; 220 468); autoresize = W+H; layer = <CALayer: 0x8be0070>>"
                  3) "<UIView: 0x8bad9e0; frame = (50 50; 220 468); autoresize = W+H; layer = <CALayer: 0x8be0070>>"
                  4) "<UIView: 0x8bad9e0; frame = (0 100; 100 100); autoresize = W+H; layer = <CALayer: 0x8be0070>>"

                  1 表示全新的 NIB 视图尚未布局.2 表示 updateConstraints/layoutSubviews 什么也没做.3 表示将其添加到视图层次结构中没有任何作用.4 最后表示添加到视图层次结构和一个通过主循环布局视图.

                  1 indicates that the fresh-out-of-the-NIB view hasn't been laid out. 2 indicates that updateConstraints/layoutSubviews did nothing. 3 indicates that adding it to the view hierarchy did nothing. 4 finally indicates that adding to the view hierarchy and one pass through the main-loop laid out the view.

                  我希望能够获得视图的尺寸,而不必让应用程序处理它或自己执行手动计算(字符串高度 + 约束 1 + 约束 2).

                  I would like to get to the point where I can get the view's dimensions without having to let the application handle it or perform manual calculations (string height + constraint1 + constraint2) on my own.


                  我观察到,如果我将 view 放在 UIWindow 中,我会得到轻微的改进:

                  I've observed that if I place view inside a UIWindow I get a slight improvement:

                  UIView *view = [[UINib nibWithNibName:@"View" bundle:nil] instantiateWithOwner:nil options:nil][0];
                  UIWindow *window = [[UIWindow alloc] initWithFrame:CGRectMake(0, 0, 200, 200)];
                  view.frame = CGRectMake(0, 0, 200, 200);
                  [window addSubview:view];
                  [view layoutSubviews];

                  如果 view.translatesAutoresizingMaskIntoConstraints == YES,视图的直接子视图将被布局,但不会布局它们的子视图.

                  If view.translatesAutoresizingMaskIntoConstraints == YES, the view's immediate subviews will be laid out, but none of their children.



                  在您提到的基本情况下,您可以通过在容器视图上调用 setNeedsLayout 然后 layoutIfNeeded 来获得正确的大小.

                  The Autolayout Question

                  In the basic case you mentioned, you can get the correct size by calling setNeedsLayout and then layoutIfNeeded on the container view.

                  来自 layoutIfNeeded 上的 UIView 类参考:

                  From the UIView class reference on layoutIfNeeded:

                  使用此方法在绘制之前强制子视图的布局.从接收者开始,只要超级视图需要布局,此方法就会向上遍历视图层次结构.然后它把整棵树放在那个祖先的下面.因此,调用此方法可能会强制整个视图层次结构的布局.此 UIView 实现调用等效的 CALayer 方法,因此具有与 CALayer 相同的行为.

                  Use this method to force the layout of subviews before drawing. Starting with the receiver, this method traverses upward through the view hierarchy as long as superviews require layout. Then it lays out the entire tree beneath that ancestor. Therefore, calling this method can potentially force the layout of your entire view hierarchy. The UIView implementation of this calls the equivalent CALayer method and so has the same behavior as CALayer.


                  I don't think the "entire view hierarchy" applies to your use case since the metrics view presumably wouldn't have a superview.

                  在示例空项目中,仅使用此代码,在调用 layoutIfNeeded 后确定正确的帧:

                  In a sample empty project, with just this code, the correct frame is determined after layoutIfNeeded is called:

                  #import "ViewController.h"
                  @interface ViewController ()
                  @property (nonatomic, strong) UIView *redView;
                  @implementation ViewController
                  @synthesize redView;
                  - (void)viewDidLoad
                      [super viewDidLoad];
                      // Do any additional setup after loading the view, typically from a nib.
                      redView = [[UIView alloc] initWithFrame:CGRectMake(50, 50, 220, 468)];
                      redView.backgroundColor = [UIColor redColor];
                      redView.translatesAutoresizingMaskIntoConstraints = NO;
                      [self.view addSubview:redView];
                      NSLog(@"Red View frame: %@", NSStringFromCGRect(redView.frame));
                      // outputs "Red View frame: {{50, 50}, {220, 468}}"
                      [self.view addConstraints:[NSLayoutConstraint constraintsWithVisualFormat:@"H:|[redView(==100)]" options:0 metrics:Nil views:NSDictionaryOfVariableBindings(redView)]];
                      [self.view addConstraints:[NSLayoutConstraint constraintsWithVisualFormat:@"V:|-100-[redView(==100)]" options:0 metrics:Nil views:NSDictionaryOfVariableBindings(redView)]];
                      NSLog(@"Red View frame: %@", NSStringFromCGRect(redView.frame));
                      // outputs "Red View frame: {{50, 50}, {220, 468}}"
                      [self.view setNeedsLayout];
                      NSLog(@"Red View frame: %@", NSStringFromCGRect(redView.frame));
                      // outputs "Red View frame: {{50, 50}, {220, 468}}"
                      [self.view layoutIfNeeded];
                      NSLog(@"Red View frame: %@", NSStringFromCGRect(redView.frame));
                      // outputs "Red View frame: {{0, 100}, {100, 100}}"



                  Additional Considerations

                  Slightly outside the scope of your question, here are some other issues you may run into, since I've worked on this exact problem in a real app:

                  • heightForRowAtIndexPath: 中计算可能会很昂贵,因此您可能需要预先计算并缓存结果
                  • 预计算应该在后台线程上完成,但 UIView 布局不能很好地工作,除非它在主线程上完成
                  • 您绝对应该实施 estimatedHeightForRowAtIndexPath: 以减少这些性能问题的影响
                  • Calculating this in heightForRowAtIndexPath: might be expensive, so you may want to precalculate and cache the results
                  • Precalculation should be done on a background thread, but UIView layout doesn't work well unless it's done on the main thread
                  • You should definitely implement estimatedHeightForRowAtIndexPath: to reduce the impact of these performance issues


                  一些子视图在 layoutSubviews 内部发生了一些事情,所以我不能调用 systemLayoutForContentSize:

                  Some subviews have stuff going on inside layoutSubviews so I can't call systemLayoutForContentSize:


                  You can use this method if you implement intrinsicContentSize, which lets a view suggest an optimal size for itself. One implementation for this might be:

                  - (CGSize) intrinsicContentSize {
                      [self layoutSubviews];
                      return CGSizeMake(CGRectGetMaxX(self.bottomRightSubview.frame), CGRectGetMaxY(self.bottomRightSubview.frame));

                  这种简单的方法只有在您的 layoutSubviews 方法没有引用已经设置的大小(如 self.boundsself.frame).如果是这样,您可能需要执行以下操作:

                  This simple approach will only work if your layoutSubviews method doesn't refer to an already-set size (like self.bounds or self.frame). If it does, you may need to do something like:

                  - (CGSize) intrinsicContentSize {
                      self.frame = CGRectMake(0, 0, 10000, 10000);
                      while ([self viewIsWayTooLarge] == YES) {
                          self.frame = CGRectInset(self.frame, 100, 100);
                          [self layoutSubviews];
                      return CGSizeMake(CGRectGetMaxX(self.bottomRightSubview.frame), CGRectGetMaxY(self.bottomRightSubview.frame));


                  Obviously, you'd need to adjust these values to match the particular layout of each view, and you may need to tune for performance.

                  最后,我要补充一点,部分原因是 成倍增加的成本使用自动布局,除了最简单的表格单元格之外,我通常最终使用手动高度计算.

                  Finally, I'll add that due in part to the exponentially increasing cost of using auto-layout, for all but the simplest table cells, I usually wind up using manual height calculation.


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