由于苹果宣布了另外两种屏幕尺寸的 iPhone 6 和 6 plus.已经为 iPhone 4 和 5 构建的应用商店中的应用会发生什么情况.它们会在这些新手机中被拉伸或扭曲吗?
As the apple has announced the two more screen sizes iPhone 6 and 6 plus. What will happen to apps already in app store build for iPhone 4 and 5. Will they be stretched or their layout be distorted in these new phones?
Please help me because I have recently submitted two of my apps in app store waiting for review. So should I change them or they will work fine. As I haven't use Auto layout in these apps.
如果你已经从 XCode 5.x 上传了应用程序,苹果会小心,它们会被缩放和拉伸以适应 iPhone 和 iPhone 6.如果你想要要利用新设备,您必须使用 XCode 6 并使用 这些步骤.
If you have uploaded apps from XCode 5.x apple will take care and they will be scaled and stretched to fit them in iPhone and iPhone 6. If you want to take advantage of new devices you will have to use XCode 6 and add launch images on your project with these steps.
如果您没有为 iPhone 6 和 6 plus 添加启动图像(并且没有适用于 iOS 8 的 启动屏幕文件
If you have not added launch images for iPhone 6 and 6 plus (and do not have Launch Screen File
for iOS 8) , than your apps will be streached to fit in new devices , once you add them app will not be streached and you will have to manage it.
因此,使用 Xcode 5.x,您可以绝对确定 iOS 会小心处理并扩展您的应用程序,使其看起来就像您在 iPhone 5 或 5S 中的外观.
So with Xcode 5.x , you can be absoulatly sure that iOS will take care and streach your app to look just like thy look in iPhone 5 or 5S.
这篇关于已经为 iPhone 4 和 5 构建的应用程序将如何在 iPhone 6 和 6 plus 中展示的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持跟版网!