I'd like to make a dialog fragment
that asks "Are you sure?" with a "yes/no" reply.
我查看了文档,它真的很冗长,到处都是这个地方,解释了如何制作高级对话框,但没有完整的代码来制作一个简单的hello world"类型的对话框.大多数教程使用已弃用的对话框系统.官方博客似乎过于复杂且难以理解.
I've looked at the documentation and it's really verbose, going all over the place, explaining how to make advanced dialog boxes, but no intact code on making a simple 'hello world' kind of dialog box. Most tutorials utilize the deprecated dialog box system. The official blog seems to be unnecessarily complicated and difficult to understand.
So, what's the simplest way to create and display a really basic Alert Dialog? Bonus points if it's using the support library.
DialogFragment 其实就是一个包装了对话框的片段.您可以通过在 DialogFragment 的 onCreateDialog() 方法中创建并返回对话框来将任何类型的对话框放入其中.
A DialogFragment is really just a fragment that wraps a dialog. You can put any kind of dialog in there by creating and returning the dialog in the onCreateDialog() method of the DialogFragment.
这是一个示例 DialogFragment:
Heres an example DialogFragment:
All of that code will work perfectly with the support library, by just changing the imports to use the support library classes.