根据 UIScrollView 的 contentOffset 改变颜色

本文介绍了根据 UIScrollView 的 contentOffset 改变颜色的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着跟版网的小编来一起学习吧!


我有一个宽度为 960 的水平 UIScrollView,足以容纳 3 个 UIViewController 视图.

I have a horizontal UIScrollView that has a width of 960, enough to hold 3 UIViewController view's.


Each view simply has a background color. The first is pink, the second is blue, and the third is green.


I want to blend/mix/fade the visible colors together as the user scrolls.

因此,如果您从第 1 页(粉红色)滚动到第 2 页(蓝色),当用户完全滑动到最终到达最终蓝色之前,会出现某种类型的粉红色和蓝色混合/混合/淡入淡出第二页.

So if you were scrolling from page 1 (pink) to page 2 (blue), there would be some type of mix/blend/fade of pink and blue before finally landing on the final blue color when the user fully swiped to the 2nd page.


I found a question about exactly what I'm trying to do, and I have implemented the answer which can be found here: https://stackoverflow.com/a/26159561/3344977

这个答案确实有效,我唯一的问题是这个答案只是为使用 2 个屏幕/颜色而创建的,而我有 3 个屏幕/颜色.

This answer does work, my only problem is this answer was only created to use 2 screens/colors, and I have 3 screens/colors.

我了解此答案的基础知识,并且它依赖于 UIScrollView 的 contentOffset.x 来计算当前颜色,但除此之外,我的数学很糟糕,这让我无法弄清楚如何修改它以使用第三种颜色.

I understand the basics of this answer and that it depends on the UIScrollView's contentOffset.x to calculate the current color, but other than that I am terrible at math which is holding me back from figuring out how to modify this to use a third color.



Yes you can definitely use this for three colours (or more).

对于三种颜色(例如红色、绿色、蓝色),红色为 0.0,绿色为 0.5,蓝色为 1.0.所以你只需要在两个淡入淡出之间分离方法(红绿和绿蓝将分别计算).

For three colours (say red, green, blue) you will have red at 0.0, green at 0.5 and blue at 1.0. So you just have to split off the method between the two fades (red-green and green-blue will be calculated separately).


Using my code from before you get the method...

// this just gets the percentage offset.
// 0,0 = no scroll
// 1,1 = maximum scroll
- (void)scrollView:(UIScrollView *)scrollView didScrollToPercentageOffset:(CGPoint)percentageOffset
    // get your colours to fade between
    NSArray *colours = @[[UIColor redColor], [UIColor yellowColor], [UIColor purpleColor]];

    // choose the colours to fade between based on the percentage.
    if (percentageOffset.x < 0.5) {
        // multiply the offset by 2 because we want 0.5 to be 100%
        self.backgroundColor = [self fadeFromColor:colours[0] toColor:colours[1] withPercentage:percentageOffset.x*2];
    } else {
        // minus 0.5 because we want 0.5 to be 0%
        self.backgroundColor = [self fadeFromColor:colours[1] toColor:colours[2] withPercentage:(percentageOffset.x-0.5)*2];

// this is a more generic method to fade between two colours
// it allows the colours to be passed in as parameters
- (UIColor *)fadeFromColor:(UIColor *)fromColor toColor:(UIColor *)toColor withPercentage:(CGFloat)percentage
    // get the RGBA values from the colours
    CGFloat fromRed, fromGreen, fromBlue, fromAlpha;
    [fromColor getRed:&fromRed green:&fromGreen blue:&fromBlue alpha:&fromAlpha];

    CGFloat toRed, toGreen, toBlue, toAlpha;
    [toColor getRed:&toRed green:&toGreen blue:&toBlue alpha:&toAlpha];

    //calculate the actual RGBA values of the fade colour
    CGFloat red = (toRed - fromRed) * percentage + fromRed;
    CGFloat green = (toGreen - fromGreen) * percentage + fromGreen;
    CGFloat blue = (toBlue - fromBlue) * percentage + fromBlue;
    CGFloat alpha = (toAlpha - fromAlpha) * percentage + fromAlpha;

    // return the fade colour
    return [UIColor colorWithRed:red green:green blue:blue alpha:alpha];


This will fade nicely between all three colours.


You can add more colours to this and change how it splits up the percentages.

这篇关于根据 UIScrollView 的 contentOffset 改变颜色的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持跟版网!

上一篇:如何在 Swift 中设置 UIScrollView 高度 下一篇:如何防止触摸事件传递给 UIView 的超级视图?

