取消选中“调整滚动视图插图"后 UIScrollView 不滚动代码 6

本文介绍了取消选中“调整滚动视图插图"后 UIScrollView 不滚动代码 6的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着跟版网的小编来一起学习吧!



In my app, I tried to use scroll view. But I encountered an issue where the scroll view added space at the top and bottom, as mentioned in the following question.

ScrollView adds space at the top of subview xcode 6 Swift

I was asked to uncheck "Adjust scroll view insets" of the containing view controller. Doing that solved my purpose.

But the scroll view isn't scrolling anymore. I'm not able to scroll to the views which are appearing at the bottom.

May I know what I need to do, to make it work ?. Thanks.


The way I solved the extra padding between the top label and the nav bar was by unchecking "Under Top Bars" in the attributes inspector, in the "Extended Edges" section. When you uncheck it, items on your storyboard may move around. Don't re-arrange them. Run simulator and it should work.

Note: leave "Adjust Scroll View Insets" checked, otherwise nothing scrolls.

My attributes:

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上一篇:取消当前 UIScrollView 触摸 下一篇:UIScrollView 内的 UITableView 滚动问题

