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      如何在清单文件中指定依赖项,然后将其包含到我的 .jar 文件中?

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              1. 本文介绍了如何在清单文件中指定依赖项,然后将其包含到我的 .jar 文件中?的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着跟版网的小编来一起学习吧!



                I generated .class files by the following command:

                javac -cp directoryNameexternal.jar myPackageDirectoryFirst.java myPackageDirectorySecond.java

                我需要在编译过程中使用 -cp 并使用外部"库 (external.jar) 的 .jar 文件的名称才能从我的代码中使用此库.

                I needed to use -cp during compilation and name of .jar file of an "external" library (external.jar) to be able to use this library from my code.

                使用我的 .class 文件,我通过以下方式生成了我的 .jar 文件:

                Using my .class files I have generated my .jar file in the following way:

                jar cfm app.jar manifest.txt myPackageDirectory*.class

                manifest.txt 只包含一行:

                Main-Class: myPackageName.First


                我的问题是我不确定我是否能够在其他计算机上运行我的 .jar 文件.我认为是因为在编译过程中我指定了 .jar 文件的位置外部库.因此,我的 .class 文件(包含在 .jar 文件中)将尝试在特定目录中查找外部库的 .jar 文件,并且不保证外部库的 .jar 文件将在同一目录中就像在我的电脑上一样.

                My problem is that I am not sure that I will be able to run my .jar file on other computers. I think so because during the compilation I specified the location of the .jar file of the external library. So, my .class files (included into the .jar file will try to find the .jar file of the external library in a specific directory and there is no guaranty that that the .jar file of the external library will be in the same directory as on the my computer.


                I heard that the above problem can be solved by a

                我使用 MANIFEST 文件包括在我自己的罐子里,这将列出依赖位置

                usage of a MANIFEST file that I include in my own jar, and which will list dependency locations


                but I do not understand how it works. I do need to specify location of the "external.jar" at the compilation stage (otherwise the compiler complains).


                首先:你似乎没有编译一个名为 MainClass 的类,而且你所有的 .java 文件似乎都在一个包,所以我假设 MainClass 只是一个占位符,你实际上在这里使用了正确的类名.

                First of all: you don't seem to compile a class called MainClass and all your .java files seem to be in a package, so I assume that MainClass is just a placeholder and you actually use the correct class name here.

                你需要指定一个Class-Path 标头 将您的外部 .jar 提到您的 manifest.txt 并将 .jar 文件与您的 jar 一起提供.除了在编译时指定 -cp 之外,您还需要这样做.

                You need to specify a Class-Path header that mentions your external .jar to your manifest.txt and deliver the .jar file together with your jar. You need to do this in addition to specifying the -cp at compile time.

                这篇关于如何在清单文件中指定依赖项,然后将其包含到我的 .jar 文件中?的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持跟版网!

                上一篇:如何在 Eclipse 上关闭项目方面? 下一篇:JNA:本机库依赖项和 JAR 提取


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