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    3. 依赖和组合之间的区别?


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                Change in structure or behaviour of a class affects the other related class, then there is a dependency between those two classes. It need not be the same vice-versa. When one class contains the other class it this happens.



                Composition is a special case of aggregation. In a more specific manner, a restricted aggregation is called composition. When an object contains the other object, if the contained object cannot exist without the existence of container object, then it is called composition.

                此处 和 这里


                class Employee {
                    private Address address;
                    // constructor 
                    public Employee( Address newAddress ) {
                        this.address = newAddress;
                    public Address getAddress() {
                    return this.address;
                    public void setAddress( Address newAddress ) {
                        this.address = newAddress;


                final class Car {
                  private final Engine engine;
                  Car(EngineSpecs specs) {
                    engine = new Engine(specs);
                  void move() {



                The difference can be seen in the two constructors:

                • 依赖:Address对象来自外部,它被分配到别的地方.这意味着 AddressEmployee 对象是分开存在的,并且只是相互依赖.

                • Dependency: The Address object comes from outside, it's allocated somewhere else. This means that the Address and Employee objects exists separately, and only depend on each other.

                Composition:在这里您可以看到在inside Car 中创建了一个新的Engine.Engine 对象是 Car 的一部分.这意味着 CarEngine组成.

                Composition: Here you see that a new Engine is created inside Car. The Engine object is part of the Car. This means that a Car is composed of an Engine.


                上一篇:Gradle:类路径和编译依赖有什么区别? 下一篇:为类依赖关系生成图形数据的工具


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