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        是否有针对 GC 问题的食谱指南?


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                  本文介绍了是否有针对 GC 问题的食谱指南?的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着跟版网的小编来一起学习吧!


                  几乎每个人最终都会遇到 Java 的 GC 问题.

                  是否有针对 Java 调整 GC 的食谱指南或半自动化工具?


                  • 几乎所有人最终都会遇到这些问题
                  • 有许多可能的因素(比如 20 个),其中只有少数会影响您的问题.
                  • 大多数人不知道如何识别关键因素,因此 GC 调优更像是一门魔法而不是一门科学.
                  • 并非所有人都使用 HotSpot 虚拟机.不同的 Sun 版本具有不同的 GC 特性.
                  • 几乎没有进行实验的动力(例如每天使用略有不同的设置运行虚拟机,看看效果如何).

                  所以问题真的是:有什么东西可以以清单的方式使用吗?或者甚至可能是一个分析 GC 日志或堆转储并向我提供具体提示的工具(而不是告诉我95% 的数据分配在 byte[] 类型的对象中",这基本上是无用的).


                  • 适当的 Tomcat 5.5 启动参数来调整 JVM 以适应极高需求的大型堆 Web 应用程序? 这是非常具体的.我的问题范围更广.
                  • 什么是客户端的最佳垃圾收集设置一边? 范围又很窄
                  • 有谁知道在 Java 中配置 GC 的好指南? 仅限 HotSpot
                  • JVM 内存管理 &垃圾收集书? 那里有 80%,但我缺少清单/食谱/傻瓜方法.




                  使用 5.0 Java[tm] Virtual 调整垃圾收集机器


                  Java SE 6 HotSpot[tm] 虚拟机垃圾回收调优


                  微调垃圾收集 [链接失效]


                  SAP JVM





                  抱歉,我对 SAP 了解不多,但提供了一些我发现的东西.




                  知道任何 Java 垃圾收集日志分析工具吗?

                  Almost everyone eventually runs into GC issues with Java.

                  Is there a cookbook guide or semi-automated tool to tune GC for Java?

                  My rationale is this:

                  • Almost anyone eventually has these problems
                  • There are many possible factors (say 20) out of which only a few affect your problem.
                  • Most people don't know how to identify the key factors so GC tuning is more like a black art than a science.
                  • Not everyone uses a HotSpot VM. Different Sun versions have different GC characteristics.
                  • There is little incentive to experiment (like run the VM with slightly different settings every day to see how they play out).

                  So the question really is: Is there something that I can use in a check-list manner? Or maybe even a tool that analyzes GC logs or heap dumps and gives me specific hints where to look (instead of telling me "95% of the data is allocated in objects of the type byte[]" which is basically useless).

                  Related questions:

                  • Appropriate Tomcat 5.5 start-up parameters to tune JVM for extremely high demand, large heap web application? which is very specific. My question is more wide.
                  • What are the best garbage collection settings for client side? Again very narrow scope
                  • Does anyone know of a good guide to configure GC in Java? HotSpot only
                  • JVM memory management & garbage collection book? is 80% there but I'm missing the checklist/cookbook/for-dummies approach.


                  References for various GC information:


                  Tuning Garbage Collection with the 5.0 Java[tm] Virtual Machine

                  and this also

                  Java SE 6 HotSpot[tm] Virtual Machine Garbage Collection Tuning


                  Fine Tuning Garbage Collection [link dead]

                  Extensible Verbose Toolkit

                  SAP JVM

                  Memory Management (Garbage Collection)

                  Detecting Memory Leaks

                  Detecting Hanging / Looping VMs

                  Analyzing Out-of-Memory Situations

                  Sorry I don't know much about SAP but have provided some things I have found.

                  As for a cookbook, tuning is most likely application specific at this level, but it is an interesting topic.


                  You also mentioned analysis tools. Some candidates are listed here:

                  Know of any Java garbage collection log analysis tools?

                  这篇关于是否有针对 GC 问题的食谱指南?的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持跟版网!

                  上一篇:弱引用有实际用途吗? 下一篇:为什么存在WeakHashMap,却没有WeakSet?


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