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                  How to prevent an object from getting garbage collected?

                  有没有通过 finalize 或 phantom reference 或任何其他方法的方法?

                  Are there any approaches by finalize or phantom reference or any other approaches?


                  I was asked this question in an interview. The interviewer suggested that finalize() can be used.



                  Hold a reference. If your object is getting collected prematurely, it is a symptom that you have a bug in the design of your application.


                  The garbage collector collects only objects to which there is no reference in your application. If there is no object that would naturally reference the collected object, ask yourself why it should be kept alive.


                  One usecase in which you typically have no references, but want to keep an object is a singleton. In this case, you could use a static variable. One possible implementation of a singleton would look like this:

                  public class Singleton {
                    private static Singleton uniqueInstance;
                    private Singleton() {
                    public static synchronized Singleton getInstance() {
                      if (uniqueInstance == null) {
                        uniqueInstance = new Singleton();
                      return uniqInstance;

                  从技术上讲,您可以在终结器中的某处存储引用.这将阻止对象被收集,直到收集器再次确定没有更多引用为止.然而,终结器最多只会被调用一次,所以你必须确保你的对象(包括它的超类)在第一次收集之后不需要被终结.但是,我建议您不要在实际程序中使用此技术.(这会让像我这样的同事大喊 WTF!?;)

                  Technically, you can store a reference somewhere in your finalizer. This will prevent the object from being collected until the collector determines again that there are no more references. The finalizer will only be called at most once, however, so you must ensure that your object (including its superclasses) need not be finalized after the first collection. I would advise you, however, not to use this technique in actual programs. (It will leave colleagues like me yelling WTF!? ;)

                    protected void finalize() throws Throwable {
                      super.finalize(); // questionable, but you should ensure calling it somewhere.


                  上一篇:如何读取详细的:GC 输出? 下一篇:静态引用被清除——如果未使用,Android 是否会在运行时卸载类?


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