乌兹 >Java 动作 >为什么属性 oozie.launcher.mapred.child

本文介绍了乌兹 >Java 动作 >为什么属性 oozie.launcher.mapred.child.java.opts 不起作用的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着跟版网的小编来一起学习吧!



我正在使用 Java 操作开发 Oozie.Java 操作应使用 Java 选项 -Xmx15g.因此,我将属性 oozie.mapreduce.map.memory.mb 设置为 25600 (25G),以防需要一些额外的内存.

I am working on Oozie with a Java action. The Java action should use Java option -Xmx15g. Accordingly I set the property oozie.mapreduce.map.memory.mb to 25600 (25G) in case some extra memory is needed.

在这个简单的设置之后,我运行了 Oozie 作业,然后在 Java 运行时当然会出现 OutofMemory(堆空间不足)错误.

After this simple setting, I ran the Oozie job, then there was of course OutofMemory (heap out of space) error during Java runtime.

所以我在基于链接的 Java 操作的属性节点中将 oozie.launcher.mapred.child.java.opts 设置为 -Xmx15g:http://downright-amazed.blogspot.fi/2012/02/configure-oozies-launcher-job.html.但我仍然遇到同样的 OutofMemory 错误.然后我尝试将 -Xmx15g 添加到 Java 操作节点内的节点 java-opts 中.这工作得很好,但如果是这样的话,还有属性 oozie.launcher.mapred.child.java.opts 是什么鬼?

So I set oozie.launcher.mapred.child.java.opts as -Xmx15g accordingly in the property node of the Java action based on the link: http://downright-amazed.blogspot.fi/2012/02/configure-oozies-launcher-job.html. But I still got the same OutofMemory error. Then I tried to add -Xmx15g to the node java-opts inside the Java action node. This worked fine, but if so whats the hell there is still the property oozie.launcher.mapred.child.java.opts?


Anyone has any idea why it is like that? Please given some comments on why it is like that. Thanks in advance.

我真的觉得 Oozie 不是一个好用的工具.

I really feel that Oozie is not a handy tool.


我不确定 mapred.child.java.opts 中的任务"是什么意思

尝试 mapreduce.map.java.opts,如下例所示:


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上一篇:在运行 Hadoop MapReduce 作业时获取文件名/文件数据作为 Map 的键/值输入 下一篇:从 windows eclipse 运行 Mapreduce(yarn) 时出错
