简单的 Java Map/Reduce 框架

本文介绍了简单的 Java Map/Reduce 框架的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着跟版网的小编来一起学习吧!



谁能告诉我一个简单的开源 Map/Reduce 框架/Java API?似乎没有太多证据表明存在这样的事情,但其他人可能知道不同.

Can anyone point me at a simple, open-source Map/Reduce framework/API for Java? There doesn't seem to much evidence of such a thing existing, but someone else might know different.

我能找到的最好的当然是 Hadoop MapReduce,但这不符合简单"标准.我不需要运行分布式作业的能力,只需要让我在多核机器上运行 map/reduce 风格的作业,在单个 JVM 中,使用标准的 Java5 风格并发.

The best I can find is, of course, Hadoop MapReduce, but that fails the "simple" criteria. I don't need the ability to run distributed jobs, just something to let me run map/reduce-style jobs on a multi-core machine, in a single JVM, using standard Java5-style concurrency.


It's not a hard thing to write oneself, but I'd rather not have to.


我认为值得一提的是,这些问题是 Java 8 的历史.举个例子:

I think it is worth mentioning that these problems are history as of Java 8. An example:

int heaviestBlueBlock =
    blocks.filter(b -> b.getColor() == BLUE)
          .reduce(0, Integer::max);

换句话说:单节点 MapReduce 在 Java 8 中可用.

有关详细信息,请参阅 Brian Goetz 的关于项目 lambda 的介绍

For more details, see Brian Goetz's presentation about project lambda

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上一篇:Hadoop 1.2.1 - 多节点集群 - Wordcount 程序的减速器阶段挂起? 下一篇:不推荐使用 MapReduceBase 和 Mapper
