关于原语:当我从较小的类型转换为较大的类型时,转换是隐式的,当我从较大的类型转换为较小的类型时,我需要显式地转换原语,由于数据丢失,这很明显.但有些东西我不明白.当我在某些情况下(字节和短)向上或向下转换为 char 时,我总是需要在两个方向上显式转换,尽管 byte(8 位)适合 char(16 位)?
Concerning primitives: When I cast from smaller to bigger types, the casts are implicit, when I cast from bigger to smaller types, I need to explicitly cast the primitives, that's clear due to loss of data. But there is something I don't get. When I up- or downcast to char in some cases (byte and short), I always need to explicitly cast in both directions although byte (8bit) fits into char (16bit)?
(另请参见 http://docs.oracle.com/javase/tutorial/java/nutsandbolts/datatypes.html)
是 Java 唯一的 unsigned 类型,因此它的取值范围不完全包含任何其他 Java 类型的值范围.
is Java's only unsigned type, therefore its value range does not fully contain any other Java type's value range.
You must use an explicit cast operator for any conversion where the target type's range doesn't fully cover the source type's range.
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