


我的任务是创建一个方法,该方法将打印在排序数组中找到值 x 的所有索引.

I've been tasked with creating a method that will print all the indices where value x is found in a sorted array.

我知道,如果我们只是从 0 到 N(数组长度)扫描数组,最坏的情况下运行时间为 O(n).由于将传递给方法的数组将被排序,我假设我可以利用使用二进制搜索,因为这将是 O(log n).但是,这仅适用于数组具有唯一值的情况.因为二进制搜索将在第一次找到"特定值之后完成.我正在考虑进行二进制搜索以在已排序的数组中找到 x,然后检查该索引之前和之后的所有值,但是如果数组包含所有 x 值,它似乎不会好得多.

I understand that if we just scanned through the array from 0 to N (length of array) it would have a running time of O(n) worst case. Since the array that will be passed into the method will be sorted, I'm assuming that I can take advantage of using a Binary Search since this will be O(log n). However, this only works if the array has unique values. Since the Binary Search will finish after the first "find" of a particular value. I was thinking of doing a Binary Search for finding x in the sorted array, and then checking all values before and after this index, but then if the array contained all x values, it doesn't seem like it would be that much better.

我想我要问的是,有没有比 O(n) 更好的方法来找到排序数组中特定值的所有索引?

I guess what I'm asking is, is there a better way to find all the indices for a particular value in a sorted array that is better than O(n)?

public void PrintIndicesForValue42(int[] sortedArrayOfInts)
    // search through the sortedArrayOfInts

    // print all indices where we find the number 42. 

例如:sortedArray = { 1, 13, 42, 42, 42, 77, 78 } 将打印:42 was found at Indices: 2, 3, 4"

Ex: sortedArray = { 1, 13, 42, 42, 42, 77, 78 } would print: "42 was found at Indices: 2, 3, 4"



Well, if you actually do have a sorted array, you can do a binary search until you find one of the indexes you're looking for, and from there, the rest should be easy to find since they're all next to each-other.


once you've found your first one, than you go find all the instances before it, and then all the instances after it.

使用该方法,您应该大致得到 O(lg(n)+k),其中 k 是您要搜索的值的出现次数.

Using that method you should get roughly O(lg(n)+k) where k is the number of occurrences of the value that you're searching for.

而且,不,您将永远无法在不到 O(k) 的时间内访问所有 k 值.

And, No, you will never be able to access all k values in anything less than O(k) time.


Second edit: so that I can feel as though I'm actually contributing something useful:

除了搜索 X 的第一次和最后一次出现之外,您还可以对第一次出现进行二进制搜索,对最后一次出现进行二进制搜索.这将导致 O(lg(n)) 总数.一旦你这样做了,你就会知道所有的索引之间也包含 X(假设它是排序的)

Instead of just searching for the first and last occurrences of X than you can do a binary search for the first occurence and a binary search for the last occurrence. which will result in O(lg(n)) total. once you've done that, you'll know that all the between indexes also contain X(assuming that it's sorted)

您可以通过搜索检查值是否等于 xAND 检查值是否在左侧(或右侧,具体取决于您是否在查看对于第一次出现或最后一次出现)等于 x.

You can do this by searching checking if the value is equal to x , AND checking if the value to the left(or right depending on whether you're looking for the first occurrence or the last occurrence) is equal to x.


上一篇:从java中的字符串中删除重复值 下一篇:从未排序的链表中删除重复项

