Android:DOM vs SAX vs XMLPullParser 解析?

本文介绍了Android:DOM vs SAX vs XMLPullParser 解析?的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着跟版网的小编来一起学习吧!


我正在使用 SAX Parser 解析 XML 文档.

I am parsing XML Document using SAX Parser.

我想知道使用 DOMSAX ParserXMLPullParser 哪个更好更快.

I want to know which is better and faster to work with DOM, SAX Parser or XMLPullParser.


这取决于你在做什么,如果你有非常大的文件,那么你应该使用 SAX 解析器,因为它会触发事件并释放它们,没有任何东西存储在内存,并且使用 SAX 解析器,您不能以随机方式访问元素,没有回头路!,但 Dom 允许您访问 xml 文件的任何部分,因为它将整个文件/文档保存在内存中.希望这个回答你的问题.

it depends on what are you doing , if you have very large files then you should use SAX parser since it will fire events and releasing them ,nothing is stored in memory ,and using SAX parser you can't access element in a random way there is no going back ! , but Dom let you access any part of the xml file since it keeps the whole file/document in memory . hope this answer you question .

如果您想知道哪个最快的解析器 Xerces 将是最快的,您会发现 SAX解析器应该给你比 Dom 更高的性能

if you want to know which fastest parser Xerces is going to be the fastest you'll find and SAX parser should give you more performance than Dom

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上一篇:如何使用 xpath 检索属性名称中包含冒号的属性的值 下一篇:XMLSchema 的解决方法不支持 maxOccurs 大于 5000

