如何在仅使用 SQL 的 Oracle 中使用枚举?(无 PSQL)
How do you use enums in Oracle using SQL only? (No PSQL)
在 MySQL 中你可以:
In MySQL you can do:
在 Oracle 中执行此操作的类似方法是什么?
What would be a similar way to do this in Oracle?
阅读一些关于 MySQL 枚举,我猜最接近的等价物是一个简单的检查约束
Reading a bit about the MySQL enum, I'm guessing the closest equivalent would be a simple check constraint
but that doesn't allow you to reference the value by the index. A more complicated foreign key relationship would also be possible
As long as you operate through the view, it would seem that your could replicate the functionality reasonably well.
现在,如果您接受 PL/SQL 解决方案,您可以创建自定义对象类型,其中可以包含逻辑来限制它们可以保存的值集,并拥有获取 ID 和获取值的方法等.
Now, if you admit PL/SQL solutions, you can create custom object types that could include logic to limit the set of values they can hold and to have methods to get the IDs and to get the values, etc.
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