如何判断是否正在使用 PL/SQL 包、过程或函数?是否有包含有关 PL/SQL 包、过程或函数使用情况的统计信息的 Oracle 表或视图?
How can you tell if a PL/SQL Package, Procedure, or Function is being used? Is there an Oracle table or view that contains statistics on PL/SQL Package, Procedure, or Function usage?
You can also try querying USER/ALL_source:
You'll have to ignore self references, but that should be easy to spot.
您还需要检查来自 user/all_views 的查看"源.请参阅有关查询视图源的另一个问题.
You'll also need to check "view" source from user/all_views. See the other question about querying view source though.
you can also check if a package or top level function/procedure is used with
注意:根据需要将 user_ 切换为 all_/dba_
NB: switch user_ with all_/dba_ as needed
如果您专门寻找未调用的函数,那么另一种选择是在打开 WARNINGS 的情况下编译您的代码,然后寻找 PLW-06002 和 LPW-06006
if you are specifically looking for uncalled functions then another option is to compiler your code with WARNINGS turned on and then look for PLW-06002 and LPW-06006
这篇关于如何判断是否正在使用 PL/SQL 包、过程或函数?的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持跟版网!