我在 BEGIN...END 块中随意地将代码的子部分分组,这似乎是正确的.大多数情况下,当我处理一个更长的存储过程并且需要在一个地方使用一个临时变量时,我将只为那部分代码声明它.当我想识别和处理为特定代码段引发的异常时,我也会这样做.
I've been somewhat haphazardly grouping subsections of code in BEGIN...END blocks when it seems right. Mostly when I'm working on a longer stored procedure and there's a need for a temporary variable in one spot I'll declare it just for that portion of the code. I also do this when I want to identify and handle exceptions thrown for a specific piece of code.
为什么应该在一个过程、函数或另一个更大的 PL/SQL 块中嵌套块的任何其他原因?
Any other reasons why one should nest blocks within a procedure, function or another larger block of PL/SQL?
When you want to handle exceptions locally like this:
In this example, the exception is handled and then we carry on and process the next employee.
Another use is to declare local variables that have limited scope like this:
Mind you, wanting to do this is often a sign that your program is too big and should be broken up:
这篇关于我什么时候应该嵌套 PL/SQL BEGIN...END 块?的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持跟版网!