我是 PL/SQL 的新手 &将不胜感激这方面的帮助.我创建了一个复制合同的程序.现在我想从这个过程中调用另一个过程,该过程将复制与我正在复制的合同相关的所有程序.一份合同可以有多个程序.
I'm new to PL/SQL & would greatly appreciate help in this. I've created a procedure to copy contracts. Now I want to call another procedure from within this procedure which shall copy all the programs related to the contract I'm copying. One contract can have multiple programs.
You call a procedure by simply putting its name and parameters in your code, e.g.
我已经使用 dbms_output.put_line
I have used dbms_output.put_line
as an example of a procedure, but obviously any other procedure would be called the same way:
.我不知道这是从哪里来的,因为 PL/SQL 没有这样的关键字.可能他们正在考虑 SQL*Plus execute
.但是,SQL*Plus 是一个单独的命令行实用程序,它有自己的命令,与 PL/SQL 语言无关.
For some reason, many beginners are tempted to add exec
before the procedure call. I don't know where that comes from because PL/SQL has no such keyword. Possibly they are thinking of the SQL*Plus execute
command, which can be abbreviated to exec
. However, SQL*Plus is a separate command line utility with its own commands that have nothing to do with the PL/SQL language.
这篇关于在一个过程中调用另一个 PL/SQL 过程的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持跟版网!