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        是否有更好的 Oracle 运算符来进行空安全相等性检查?

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                  本文介绍了是否有更好的 Oracle 运算符来进行空安全相等性检查?的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着跟版网的小编来一起学习吧!


                  根据这个问题,执行的方式Oracle 中的相等检查,我希望将 null 视为相等的 null 类似于

                  According to this question, the way to perform an equality check in Oracle, and I want null to be considered equal null is something like

                  SELECT  COUNT(1)
                    FROM    TableA
                    wrap_up_cd = val
                    AND ((brn_brand_id = filter) OR (brn_brand_id IS NULL AND filter IS NULL))

                  这确实会使我的代码变脏,尤其是当我有很多这样的 where 并且 where 应用于多个列时.有没有更好的替代方案?

                  This can really make my code dirty, especially if I have a lot of where like this and the where is applied to several column. Is there a better alternative for this?


                  好吧,我不确定这是否更好,但使用 LNNVL,一个函数(你只能在 WHERE 子句中使用),如果给定的表达式为 FALSE 或 UNKNOWN (NULL),则返回 TRUE.例如...

                  Well, I'm not sure if this is better, but it might be slightly more concise to use LNNVL, a function (that you can only use in a WHERE clause) which returns TRUE if a given expression is FALSE or UNKNOWN (NULL). For example...

                  WITH T AS
                      SELECT    1 AS X,    1 AS Y FROM DUAL UNION ALL
                      SELECT    1 AS X,    2 AS Y FROM DUAL UNION ALL
                      SELECT    1 AS X, NULL AS Y FROM DUAL UNION ALL
                      SELECT NULL AS X,    1 AS Y FROM DUAL
                      LNNVL(X <> Y);

                  ...将返回除 X = 1 和 Y = 2 之外的所有行.

                  ...will return all but the row where X = 1 and Y = 2.

                  这篇关于是否有更好的 Oracle 运算符来进行空安全相等性检查?的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持跟版网!

                  上一篇:在 IN 子句中为 NUMBER 列使用逗号分隔值 下一篇:我们如何确定我的 oracle 表中的列正在被另一个表的触发器填充/更新?


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