作为问题的后续从oracle存储过程获取结果集",有没有办法显示在 SQL Developer 中的网格(而不是纯文本脚本输出窗口)中返回 REFCURSOR
As a follow-up to the question "Get resultset from oracle stored procedure", is there a way to show the results of a stored procedure that returns a REFCURSOR
in a grid (instead of the plain text Script Output window) within SQL Developer?
The answer helped, but I'm still having a problem displaying the result set in the "View Value" window:
列只能扩展少量,可能是由于返回的结果数量.使用 resizer 控件扩展窗口无济于事:
The columns can only be expanded a small amount, probably due to the number of results being returned. Expanding the window with the resizer control doesn't help:
I don't think you can with a procedure.
感谢 DCookie 简化了我的原始答案.
Thanks to DCookie for simplifying my original answer.
但作为一种变通方法,您可以编写一个函数来调用该过程,然后使用 SQL 调用该函数.
But as a work-around you can write a function that calls the procedure and then invoke that using SQL.
Which you can then call with:
运行此示例时,SQL Developer 数据网格显示一个结果,但如果向右滚动并单击编辑按钮,您将在网格中看到结果.
When this example is run, the SQL Developer data grid shows one result but if you scroll right and click on the edit button, you will see the results in a grid.
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