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      2. SQL Server中如何确定不能转换为(decimal,float,int)的字段值

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              1. <tfoot id='RJfgk'></tfoot>
                <i id='RJfgk'><tr id='RJfgk'><dt id='RJfgk'><q id='RJfgk'><span id='RJfgk'><b id='RJfgk'><form id='RJfgk'><ins id='RJfgk'></ins><ul id='RJfgk'></ul><sub id='RJfgk'></sub></form><legend id='RJfgk'></legend><bdo id='RJfgk'><pre id='RJfgk'><center id='RJfgk'></center></pre></bdo></b><th id='RJfgk'></th></span></q></dt></tr></i><div id='RJfgk'><tfoot id='RJfgk'></tfoot><dl id='RJfgk'><fieldset id='RJfgk'></fieldset></dl></div>
                  <legend id='RJfgk'><style id='RJfgk'><dir id='RJfgk'><q id='RJfgk'></q></dir></style></legend>
                  本文介绍了SQL Server中如何确定不能转换为(decimal,float,int)的字段值的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着跟版网的小编来一起学习吧!


                  我有一个 SQL Server 数据库.

                  I have a SQL Server database.


                   ID      VALUE
                    1      NEGATIF
                    2      11.4
                    3      0.2
                    4      A RH(+)
                    5      -----
                    6      >>>>>
                    7      5.6<
                    8      -13.9

                  我想将 VALUE 字段转换为十进制,当然是可转换的字段.

                  I want to CONVERT VALUE field to decimal, of course convert-able fields.

                  1. 什么样的 SQL 语句可以做到这一点?

                  1. What kind of SQL statement can do this?


                  How can I understand which value is raising error while converting?

                  PS:我认为这可以解决 WHERE VALUE LIKE '[a-z]' 但如何添加更多过滤器,如 [-+ ()] ?

                  PS: I think this can solve WHERE VALUE LIKE '[a-z]' but how can I add more filter like [-+ ()] ?


                  Plain ISNUMERIC is rubbish

                  Plain ISNUMERIC is rubbish

                  • 空字符串、+-.都是有效的
                  • + 也是如此. 等等
                  • 1e-3 对浮点数有效,但对十进制数无效(除非您先将浮点数转换为十进制数)
                  • Empty string, +, - and . are all valid
                  • So is +. etc
                  • 1e-3 is valid for float but not decimal (unless you CAST to float then to decimal)

                  对于特别神秘但故障安全的解决方案,附加 e0.0e0 then 使用 ISNUMERIC

                  For a particularly cryptic but failsafe solution, append e0 or .0e0 then use ISNUMERIC

                     ISNUMERIC(MyCOl + 'e0')   --decimal check,
                     ISNUMERIC(MyCOl + '.0e0')  --integer check


                      ID, VALUE,
                            CASE WHEN ISNUMERIC(VALUE + 'e0') = 1 THEN VALUE ELSE NULL END
                            AS decimal(38, 10)
                          ) AS ConvertedVALUE

                  这篇关于SQL Server中如何确定不能转换为(decimal,float,int)的字段值的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持跟版网!

                  上一篇:不能在表或索引视图上使用 CONTAINS 或 FREETEXT 谓词,因为它不是全文索引 下一篇:在 text 或 ntext 数据类型上替换 REPLACE


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