索引仅在 LIKE 操作中使用的 varchar 列是个好主意吗?根据我从查询分析中读取的信息,我从以下查询中获得:
Is it a good idea to index varchar columns only used in LIKE opertations? From what I can read from query analytics I get from the following query:
我得到的估计子树成本"为 0.38,没有任何索引,0.14 有索引.如果已使用索引优化查询,这是用于分析的好指标吗?
I get an "Estimated subtree cost" of 0.38 without any index and 0.14 with an index. Is this a good metric to use for anlayzing if a query has been optimized with an index?
给定数据 'abcdefg'
Given the data 'abcdefg'
注意:如果您有需要 '%defg' 的重要查询,您可以使用持久计算列,您可以在其中 REVERSE() 列,然后对其进行索引.然后您可以查询:
Note: If you have important queries that require '%defg', you could use a persistent computed column where you REVERSE() the column and then index it. Your can then query on:
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