I'm trying to make a function that recursively builds a path for a specific category
当我尝试使用没有父级 (parent_id = 0) 的类别运行此函数时,它工作正常,但是当我尝试使用 parent_id > 0 的类别时,我得到 1424 递归存储函数和触发器是不允许的.
When I try to run this function with a category that has no parents (parent_id = 0) it works fine but when I try a category that has a parent_id > 0 I get 1424 Recursive stored functions and triggers are not allowed.
我该如何解决这个问题?我打算将此代码托管在至少应具有 MySQL 服务器版本 5.1 的常规网络托管服务上.
How do I work around this? I'm going to host this code on a regular web hosting service that should have at least MySQL server version 5.1.
在艾克·沃克 (Ike Walker) 的帮助下,我做了一个程序,但效果很好
After some help from Ike Walker I have made a precedure instead that works fine
I then use something like this to call it
MySQL 不允许递归函数,即使你设置了 max_sp_recursion_depth.
MySQL does not allow recursive FUNCTIONs, even if you set max_sp_recursion_depth.
如果您设置 max_sp_recursion_depth,它确实允许在 PROCEDURE 中进行多达 255 次递归.
It does allow up to 255 recursion in a PROCEDURE if you set max_sp_recursion_depth.
所以我建议你用一个过程替换你的函数,为 return_path 使用一个 INOUT 变量.
So I recommend that you replace your function with a procedure, using an INOUT variable for the return_path.
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