我正在尝试使用一些查询参数在 API 上发帖.当我尝试通过将邮件和名字作为查询参数传递时,这适用于 PostMan/Insomnia :
I am trying to post on an API with some query params. This is working on PostMan / Insomnia when I am trying to by passing mail and firstname as query parameters :
但是,当我尝试使用 React Native 应用程序执行此操作时,出现 400 错误(查询参数无效).
However, when I am trying to do it with my react native app, I got a 400 error (Invalid Query Parameters).
和 myFirstName
(my mail and firstname are console.logged as follow: lol@lol.com
and myFirstName
所以我不知道如何在我的请求中使用 Axios 传递查询参数(因为现在,它正在传递 data: { mail: "lol@lol.com", firstname: "myFirstName" }.
So I don't know how to pass Query Parameters with Axios in my request (because right now, it's passing data: { mail: "lol@lol.com", firstname: "myFirstName" }
axios 签名为 axios.post(url[, data[, config]])
.所以你想在第三个参数中发送 params 对象:
axios signature for post is axios.post(url[, data[, config]])
. So you want to send params object within the third argument:
This will POST an empty body with the two query params:
这篇关于如何使用 Axios 发布查询参数?的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持跟版网!