我觉得我总是被教导使用 LEFT JOIN
并且我经常看到它们与 INNER
I feel like I was always taught to use LEFT JOIN
s and I often see them mixed with INNER
s to accomplish the same type of query throughout several pieces of code that are supposed to do the same thing on different pages. Here goes:
Thats one I am working on:
这看起来像 LEFT 也可能是 INNER 有什么问题吗?
This seems like the LEFT may as well be INNER is there any catch?
有什么问题吗?是的 - 左联接是外联接的一种形式,而内联接是内联接的一种形式.
Is there any catch? Yes there is -- left joins are a form of outer join, while inner joins are a form of, well, inner join.
Here's examples that show the difference. We'll start with the base data:
And here we'll see the difference between an inner join and a left join:
嗯,3 行.
哇,5 行!发生了什么?
Wow, 5 rows! What happened?
外部连接,例如 left join
保留不匹配的行——因此左连接查询保留 id 为 2 和 5 的行.其余列用 NULL 填充.
Outer joins such as left join
preserve rows that don't match -- so rows with id 2 and 5 are preserved by the left join query. The remaining columns are filled in with NULL.
In other words, left and inner joins are not interchangeable.
这篇关于什么时候用LEFT JOIN,什么时候用INNER JOIN?的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持跟版网!