i created a sequence using the following query,
Now when i try to create a table which uses the above sequence, it is throwing the following error,
我使用以下查询创建了一个带有 sequence.nextval 的表,
I used the following query to create a table with sequence.nextval,
Oracle 12c
我们现在终于像许多其他数据库一样拥有 IDENTITY
列,以防在幕后自动生成序列.可以看出,此解决方案比基于触发器的解决方案快得多 在这篇博文中.
Oracle 12c
We now finally have IDENTITY
columns like many other databases, in case of which a sequence is auto-generated behind the scenes. This solution is much faster than a trigger-based one as can be seen in this blog post.
So, your table creation would look like this:
Oracle 11g 及以下
对默认列值的限制 DEFAULT 表达式不能包含对 PL/SQL 函数或其他列、伪列 CURRVAL、NEXTVAL、LEVEL、PRIOR 和 ROWNUM 或未完全指定的日期常量的引用.
Restriction on Default Column Values A DEFAULT expression cannot contain references to PL/SQL functions or to other columns, the pseudocolumns CURRVAL, NEXTVAL, LEVEL, PRIOR, and ROWNUM, or date constants that are not fully specified.
在 Oracle 中具有自动增量"列的标准方法是使用触发器,例如
The standard way to have "auto increment" columns in Oracle is to use triggers, e.g.
在文档中详细了解Oracle TRIGGERs