我正在尝试检查 oracle (10g) 查询中列中的值是否为数字以便进行比较.类似的东西:
I'm trying to check if a value from a column in an oracle (10g) query is a number in order to compare it. Something like:
Any ideas on how to check that?
假设 myTable
中的 ID 列未声明为 NUMBER(这似乎是一个奇怪的选择并且可能有问题),您可以编写一个函数,尝试将(大概是 VARCHAR2)ID 转换为数字、捕获异常并返回Y"或N".类似的东西
Assuming that the ID column in myTable
is not declared as a NUMBER (which seems like an odd choice and likely to be problematic), you can write a function that tries to convert the (presumably VARCHAR2) ID to a number, catches the exception, and returns a 'Y' or an 'N'. Something like
You can then embed that call in a query, i.e.
请注意,尽管 PL/SQL 具有布尔数据类型,但 SQL 没有.因此,虽然您可以声明一个返回布尔值的函数,但您不能在 SQL 查询中使用这样的函数.
Note that although PL/SQL has a boolean data type, SQL does not. So while you can declare a function that returns a boolean, you cannot use such a function in a SQL query.
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