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      1. SQL 不是单组组函数

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                  本文介绍了SQL 不是单组组函数的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着跟版网的小编来一起学习吧!


                  当我运行以下 SQL 语句时:

                  When I run the following SQL statement:

                  SELECT MAX(SUM(TIME))
                  FROM downloads
                  GROUP BY SSN

                  它返回客户下载的最大总和值,但是,如果我尝试通过将其添加到 select 语句中来查找该最大值所属的社会保险号:

                  It returns the maximum sum value of downloads by a customer, however if I try to find the social security number that that max value belongs to by adding it to the select statement:

                  SELECT SSN, MAX(SUM(TIME))
                  FROM downloads
                  GROUP BY SSN




                  I do not understand why it is throwing this error. A google search came up with the following action:

                  从 SELECT 列表中删除组函数或单个列表达式,或者添加一个包含列出的所有单个列表达式的 GROUP BY 子句

                  Drop either the group function or the individual column expression from the SELECT list or add a GROUP BY clause that includes all individual column expressions listed

                  从我认为这是说- 删除分组功能会使总和值无效- 删除单个列表达式 (SSN) 只会给我最大总和- 不确定第三部分.

                  From what I think this is saying - dropping the group function makes the sum value invalid - droping the individual column expression (SSN) will just give me the max sum - not sure about that third part.



                  TIME 在这个数据库中是指下载的次数

                  TIME in this database refers to the number of times downloaded


                  简单地说,问题是查询中特定 SSN 的 SUM(TIME) 是单个值,因此它反对 MAX,因为它使没有意义(单个值的最大值是没有意义的).

                  Well the problem simply-put is that the SUM(TIME) for a specific SSN on your query is a single value, so it's objecting to MAX as it makes no sense (The maximum of a single value is meaningless).

                  不确定您使用的是什么 SQL 数据库服务器,但我怀疑您想要更像这样的查询(使用 MSSQL 背景编写 - 可能需要一些翻译到您正在使用的 sql 服务器):

                  Not sure what SQL database server you're using but I suspect you want a query more like this (Written with a MSSQL background - may need some translating to the sql server you're using):

                  SELECT TOP 1 SSN, SUM(TIME)
                  FROM downloads
                  GROUP BY SSN
                  ORDER BY 2 DESC


                  This will give you the SSN with the highest total time and the total time for it.

                  编辑 - 如果你有多个相同的时间并且想要它们全部你会使用:

                  Edit - If you have multiple with an equal time and want them all you would use:

                  SSN, SUM(TIME)
                  FROM downloads
                  GROUP BY SSN
                  HAVING SUM(TIME)=(SELECT MAX(SUM(TIME)) FROM downloads GROUP BY SSN))

                  这篇关于SQL 不是单组组函数的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持跟版网!

                  上一篇:JDBC 瘦驱动程序的 NLS_LANG 设置? 下一篇:以毫秒为单位的 Oracle 中的日期字符串


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